Camping trip

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Sorry I haven't been updating much and for your patience, I TRIED to make a long chapter for you guys!


Funneh's POV

"Hey did you pack everything?" Alec asked from the door. "Yup! Lets gooooo!" I say getting my bag and running to the car. "You drive!" I say pointing to Draco. "Fiiiinnee" he says and gets the car started. Me and Alec get in the back after putting our bags in the trunk. Everyone is taking their cars and since Draco was all alone and had no one to go with, he joined with us in Alec's car. "Ok so this will take 5 hours to go to. So take a nap or something" Draco said. "We're not kids! But I might fall asleep at some time" I say looking at the window as Draco drove to the campsite.

1 hours later Alec's POV

Funneh fell asleep which looks really peaceful. All of a sudden she starts to shiver a bit. She must be cold. I take off my hoodie, hug her closer to me and put it on top of us. I feel her snuggle into my chest then fall asleep.

4 hours later Funneh's POV

"OK WE'RE HERE!!" I hear Draco yell. I wake up and see red hair. Wha-? I open my eyes more and me snuggled into Alec. "Wake up Alec!" I yawn patting his fluffy red hair. "Are we here?" He says while stretching. "Mhm!" I him and get out there car while taking Alec's hoodie. "Its sooo cold!" I whine. "Then put my hoodie on" Alec says. "I was just about to!" I say putting it on. This is big! "Why are you so cold when it's super hot!" Alec says fanning himself. I just shrug. "So where's the others?" I ask Draco. "They already got ready" he says. "Ok lets goooo!" I say and run to the tents. The tents are like cabins but they look like tents. But I think of the as onions

 But I think of the as onions

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"Woah!" We all say in unison. "Well I'm bunking with Rainbow. Bye you two" Draco says and leaves. "Looks nice" Alec  says and I nod in agreement. "Wait who is Gold bunked with?" I ask. "Kyran" he says and I start to squeal. "You can go spy on them" he says with a sigh of defeat as I run to their tent. I dive into a bush then look over. "You look good Gold~" I hear Kyran say. OH MY GOD IM SQUEALING IN MY HEAD SO BADLY THAT MY BRAIN IS BREAKING!! I hide at the side of the tent then peek. "Kyran. We can't hide that we're dating forever" Gold said. Kyran was pinning her on the wall. "Listen to me.... we're not hiding it form them. We're just waiting for the right time. We don't want to make Funneh get sick of squealing do we?" Kyran says. "'re right about that" she says with a giggle and they start kissing. OHHH MYYYY GOOODD!! "Well this is exciting" I hear Alec say which spooked me. "Wha--" before I finish he dives into the bushes with me in his arms then starts kissing me.

And done! Don't judge ARIANA!!

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