Resort packing!

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"So how about school?" I ask dad. "I made you all have a month without school. Cause we'll be at the resort for a month. And I handled all the parents" he says.

"I'm still not done with you SNOW CONE!" Lunar yells at me.







"Ok you two stop it!" Jack says. "Says the guy who can't do magic!" I say to him. "So why are you even calling Lunar fire related stuff?" Alec asks. "Fire magic" she says.

"So lets pack before the girls do anything else extreme!" Gold says and starts dragging me and Lunar upstairs to my room. She shuts he door closed leaving me and Lunar alone. "I already packed" she says and starts looking around my room. I start getting all my stuff packed. I put in some clothes,swim suit and laptop cause I can't live without it. "Done!" I say.

"Get changed now. Something pretty cause we're taking the private jet" she says and goes out. Hmm. I got the perfect one!

 I go outside and see two other people

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I go outside and see two other people. I run up to them and hug them super tight. "I'VE MISSED YOU TWO!" I yell and Draco puts me on his back.

"We've missed you too sis!" Draco says.

"IS GOLD HERE?!" Rainbow yells. I nod yes and she zooms inside. "Now that I think of it there's like.....6 of us. As in siblings" I say. He counts on his fingers silently. "Yeah" he says.

"I heard you have a boyfriend little missy" he says and smirks. I ruffle his hair. "Hey Funneh!" I hear someone say and look behind me to see Alec.

"So does this mean you have a boyfriend lil missy?" Draco asks with a smirk. "DRACO!!" I yell and punch his arm. I get off his back and walk over to Alec. "Who's he? And who's the crazy chick tackling Gold upstairs?" Alec asks. "Draco and Rainbow. Older brother and sister. I'm the youngest of them all. "And this is a picture of us when we were toddlers! Except Lunar was with Laxi at the time" Draco says and shows the picture.

 "And this is a picture of us when we were toddlers! Except Lunar was with Laxi at the time" Draco says and shows the picture

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"That's cute" Alec says. "And this is one that I had for a long time!" I say.

"We all imagined each other as teenagers

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"We all imagined each other as teenagers. And apparently we were right!" I say.

"Who's the gloomy person?" Alec asks "Charcoal" i say. "She's a bit different now" I say. "But you still didn't answer if you have a boyfriend" Draco reminds me. "I HAD one. Buuuuut he cheated on me. So I broke up with him" I say.

"Anyway Draco here. When we were kids he always said he found mermaid at the beach" I say. "I ACTUALLY did!" He says. "Anyway are you comes to the resort with all of us?" I ask Draco. "Yeah. Me and Rainbow were invited by dad" he says. "Anyway this is Alec!" I say and introduce Alec. "Nice to meet you" Draco says.

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