*cue spy music* DUN DUN DUUUUN. DUN DUN DUN

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I change into her uniform which was surprisingly the same size. I grab a black,cyan and blue colored hoodie. I put on the hood and put red contacts for my eyes. So they don't see my eyes. "Hey Funneh! Why don't we act like twins!!" Alec says. "S-sure!" I say.

Time skip to school

      I get to school and see the guys from the sleep over in a group. All of a sudden I feel someone put their arm around me. I look on my side and see that it's Alec. "Ok your name will be......Kellyinia Carly Oceanilicana. Mine will be Jackson Carlos Oceanilicana. If ya didn't notice I dyed my hair the same as yours so they don't see that it's me. So now we really look like twins. Wait did you.......cult the ends of your hair a bit?" Alec says. I blush a bit and so does he. "Y-yeah. I don't really like to curl my hair a bit and Gold knows that so it won't be suspicious. And know that I think of it your acting like your my boyfriend" I say. He chuckles a bit "Well I will need to look out for my SISTER since it's our first day" he says. I'm so so SO glad we told the principal to tell the teachers that we're pretending to be new kids for a day. We get to our first class which is chemistry. I hope this goes well! We enter the class and the teacher leads us to the front. "My names Kellyinia!" I say "And my names Jackson. We're twins but I'm older by.....11 months. And mess with her you mess with me" Alec says. We take off our hoods. "Ok you two can sit at the table next to Felicia's table" the teacher says. We sit down and Felica starts to whisper flirt with Jackson of otherwise known as Alec. "Hey cutie~" she says. "Stop trying to flirt with me makeup loving troll" Alec says. She looks at him like she's never been rejected before.

Time skip to lunch...

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