The play Rehersal

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Next day at drama class

     "Ok so rehearsal!" Mom says. I get into my costume that honestly I really like... a purple and violet dress that goes until my ankles,a purple and pink flower crown and gray shoes. The dress short sleeves. I come out of the dressing room and Alec and my brothers look at me. "What are you guys looking at?" I ask. "Oh it's just you kinda look a lot like mom...but really younger!" Jack says. "Anyway I'm gonna go to Gold..." Kyran says. Hmm. I sneakily follow him and see him talking with Gold. All of a sudden they start making out. Alec and Jack come and before they speak I cover their mouths with their my hands. I grab mine and both of their phones and taking pictures.

"If you were to ever date my sister then heads up...she fangirls sometimes..." I hear Jack whisper to Alec. Their eyes are closed so I take a close up. They break the kiss and see me "FUNNEH!!" They both yell angry and I do a small 'eep!' Before I run to mom. Once I get to her I squeal "Kyran has had his first kiss! Or other than that he had a make out session with Gold!" I say and they get really embarrassed. "HAHA THATS WHAT YOU GET FROM THAT GAME TWO DAYS AGO!!" Alec says laughing.

Mom squeals so so so much. "I hate you Funneh..." Kyran says. "Aww and I love you too Kywan!!" I say in a baby tone. "OK NO MORE DRAMA! Now for rehearsal! Places!" Mom says and the curtain is down with the narrator in front.

Narrator:  "there once lived a beautiful young girl who lived in a castle tower. Her name was Juliet"

The curtain goes up and shows me in a castle tower.

Narrator:  "hoping one day to find her true one. Well today it happens..."

Alec comes out into the bushes...

Narrator: "A warrior comes for her and be with her..."

Alec:  "this fair maiden is beautiful. Beauty...from the roses on her tower. Her voice clear as an angel...and--.......uhhh I forgot the rest..sorry"

My mom face palms and we have a break first. I go to Alec "Did you really forget or you couldn't take it?" I say "uh....first option?" He says.

"We're gonna rehearse the final scene so read it in the next 3 minutes or just bring it on stage!" Mom says. "Well I'm definitely going to bring the paper!" Me and Alec say in unison. I giggle and I get on my place. Alec lays in front of me pretending to be almost dead.

"What do we have here? My love...dead upon me...a kiss I shall give before he departs" I say and pause "Do I really have to do this mom? I mean this is just a play" I say. She gives me and Alec  a death glare and we both 'eep' I lean down and kiss him. 2 seconds and break. "THERE ARE YOU HAPPY WITH YOUR LITTLE SHIP NOW?! CAUSE IF YOU AREN'T SATISFIED MOM I WILL BEATH THE SH*T OUT OF YOU GOT IT?!" I say with a sassy tone. Then I realize she fainted when we kissed. "Uh mom?" Me and my brothers say in unison. "I am just not comfortable kissing in public..." me and Alec say in unison. "Great! I think you both killed her with the kiss!" Jack says sarcastically. "Well then let's just play around since she's knocked out! And I challenge you to a fight Jack!" I say. "You're on!" He says and throws a punch but I dodge. I take out my hand and form a fist and throwing it ontop of my palm "ice make gusher!" I chant and he gets frozen in my ice gusher.

"I can't believe you learned that! Even me and Jack haven't mastered it yet!" Kyran says. My ice goes away reveals a shivering to death Jack. "Ugh..." he says. "Well I am very powerful and only 18 people in the school learn magic..." I say

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