Evan's creepy side

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One hour later...

"I'm gonna go charge my phone!" I say and Alec nods ok while being bored. I go into our room and walk over to the bedside table but get pinned down to the bed. "MMMMFFMF!!" I yell but the person was holding my mouth. I look up and saw it was Evan?!

"Just dump my cousin already. He doesn't deserve you" he said and take his hand off my mouth but before I could yell for help he kisses me. I keep trying to strangle out of his grip but I couldn't. I start kicking my feet to try to make him stop but he didn't. Tears start to build up into eyes. I don't want to be forced into things!

"Hey Funneh what-- EVAN?! GET OFF HER!" I hear Alec yell and punches Evan off of me. I quickly get up and run to Alec and hide behind him. "DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT TO HER AGAIN!!" Alec yelled at Evan while hugging me close to his chest. "I won't stop now" Evan said and left.

"HOW DARE YOU TRY TO RUIN MY FALEC SHIP!!" I hear Aly yell and punches Evan hard. "Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" Alec asked me while wiping away my tears. "I-I'm ok" I say and he sighs in relief then hugs me closer to him. "From now on if you go somewhere always bring someone with you ok?" He says and I nod ok. I'm just glad we're ok.

"Maybe we should think of kicking Evan out" Aly said. "Definitely" me and Alec say in unison. "Where'd Felicia go?" I ask Aly. "Uh....lets just say she tried ruining my Falec ship" she says.

"Yeeaaah we shouldn't question it" Alec says nervously and we laugh. "But seriously if someone tries to interfere with my ship!

I'll kill them..."


Aly said and we both shiver at what she would do. "Who's up for video games?" Aly asks "ME!" Me and Alec say in unison. All of a sudden Alec's front door crashes down to reveal a furious Draco, Laxi and Dad. "WHAT HAPPENED TO FUNNEH?! WE HEARD HER SCREAM WHILE AT THE PARK!!" The three I them yelled in unison in a death tone.

"DUDE THE DOOR!!" Alec yelled and me and Aly laugh as they discussed who was going to pay for the broken door.

??? POV

"We WILL have them. We'll just have to do it the hard way..." she said


Sorry it's a kinda short one! I have lots of homework to do and it's stressing me out so I can't update much. I HATE HOMEWORK!!!

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