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Hi and I'm sorry I don't update often! I'm not going to be updating often cause it's summer break and my parents like going out a lot with me and my sister. Sooo sorry about it! And also pretend that Funneh's dad never died.


"Anyway I'm here cause me and the boys were SUPER bored so we'll be going with you two. And--" before Alec was done explaining Kyran and Jack came. "DAD'S VISITING TODAY!!" They say both in unison with a face of distress.

"You're gonna die..." I whisper to myself. "Why?" Alec asks. All of a sudden our dad comes in. "OK SO WHO HERE KISSED MY PRESOUS FUNNEH?!?!" He yells. My brothers and Gold point to Alec at the same time.

"What do you plan for the future?" My dad asks. "To be able to get more money to help my mom and sister" he says.

"Where do you plan to live?"

"Same city that I'm in now"


"1 or 2"


"A sister"

"Number one priority when you have a family?"

"To help raise more money and to protect my family at all times"

"Who's decisions will you agree on when you have a wife?"


"Where to raise your family?"

"As close to my wife's family as possible and a place that's safe"

And with that they both stop. But they did ask and answered questions very fast

"I like this kid! But when are you going to ask my daughter to be your girlfriend?" My dad says but whispered the last part too quiet that I couldn't hear.

"The perfect time" Alec says. What did dad ask?!

"Ok great! He's better than Jack's girlfriend maybe! You've got a keep Funneh!" He says and I blush. "W-we're not even dating! B-but anyway why are you even here?!" I say. "I'm here to take you,your siblings and friends to..........a resort! And with.....come out!" He says and the one person I've always missed comes out..

"Hey lil sis! Long time no see!" She says and I run to her and hug her.

"I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN YEARS!! I've missed you so so so so much Lunar!" I say and she hugs me back.

"Uh....who exactly is that behind her?" Gold asks. "I look behind her and see Laxi. I gasp and hug him by his neck.

"LAXI! OH MY GOD I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU AS LONG AS LUNAR! I've missed you so much!" I say. "Hey there my sister to be!" He says and I gasp really loud. "WAIT YOU GUYS ARE MARRIED?!?!" I yell. Laxi covers my mouth from squealing. "Uh no we're not really married. We're just dating" he says blushing a tint. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!" I squeal and keep squealing. This time Alec covers my mouth and we both blush a bit. "If you keep squealing then I'll actually kiss you in the marriage part of the play" he threatens and we both blush a bit more. "Is he your.......BOYFRIEND?!?!" Lunar says and squeals. "Stop squealing or else you'll be killed" I say and give her a death glare. "I'll be keeping my ship" she says and returns the death glare.

"As kids these two wouldn't stop fighting at all" I hear Laxi whisper to Alec. "You whisper something behind my back again and you'll be stuck as an ice cube lightning ice boy" I say and give him a death glare.

"No way in hell ice cube" he says and we start to keep death glaring at each other.

"Lightning freak"

"Ice freak"

"Lightning rod"

"Ice cream"

"Lightning freakazoid"


"Makeup freak" he says.

"EXCUSE ME BUT I DONT EVEN LIKE MAKE UP!" I say and punch his arm. Then he punches my arm. Then we start a childish fight. As in punching and kicking.

"STOP IT YOU TWO!!" Lunar yells and pulls us apart. "You wanna go charcoal?!" I shout at her and we both get in a fighting position. "Any time ice breath!" She says and does a punch to my face but I dodge and punch her face. "AGH! That hurt!" She says holding her cheek.

"I told you she'll punch you when she sees you" Laxi says and rolls his eyes.

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