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(Before we start, I wanna say something funny... in one of my other books I made one of the characters kidnapped aswell 👏)

-Alec's POV-

I look around but couldn't find her. "What's wrong Alec?" Draco said. "F-Funneh's been kidnapped!" "By who?" They all said in unison. "I think I know who. Yandere..."

-Funneh's POV-

The blind fold was taken off my and I look up to see Evan's face. But he looked like a crazy man who hadn't slept in a week. "E-Evan? What's happening?" I try to keep myself from stuttering. From out of the darkness Felicia came out. "Evan...she's all yours." Evan gave me a smirk. "You see Funneh... Me and Alec went the same school together ever since we were 10. I loved Alec oh so much.." she paused, looked at me, and stepped on my bare foot with her heels. Where'd my boots go?

"But then you had to show up FUNNEH. And took my Alec away from me. Meanwhile, I still know something you don't about Alec..." she looked at me with stern eyes then smirked... and mouthed the words...
            He's a murderer

My eyes widen in disbelief. "You're lying. He's way too kind to do that." "You don't know much about him know that you think of it..." Even said. They're wrong. He's a super kind person who would never kill anyone. "You've never seen his aggressive side."
Evan kissed me and I try to pull back as much as I can. But I can't avoid it. A-Alec... please.
                       Save me

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