The day to tell her

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   Alec's POV

Today I'm going to tell Funneh. While she was chowing down on her sandwich I looked into the stary sky. It's night and I brought Funneh out to a picnic. "So what did you want to tell me?" She asks as she finishes eating. I go to her and kiss her on the lips. And thank goodness she kissed back. I pull away and look into her eyes. "Will you be my girlfriend Funneh?" I ask. "Yes!" She says and hugs me by my neck. I hug her back by her waist. We both hear cheering and crying in the bush behind Funneh. "I did not plan that sound" I quietly say to her. I go to the bush,get a big stick and hit whatever was in there. "OWWWW!!" It yells. Funneh comes over and we both look behind the bush to see the others. "WERE YOU ALL SPYING ON US?!?!" Me and Funneh yell in unison. "Maybe..." they all say in unison. "Let's just to back to the rooms" I say and they all nod ok.

"So why was there crying?" I ask them while we were all walking. "Dad and Draco" Kyran says and point to the two who were still crying.

"She's all grown up!" They both cry. "Stop being so dramatic!" Funneh says while she laughs a bit at the two of them. I smile at her and keep walking.

"It's just like yesterday that Funneh was a baby and pulling on my hair!" Draco cried. Wow if I married Funneh then I would be married into a crazy family. But I don't care. Whatever makes her happy. "So how did you get the guts to ask her?" Jack asks. "So did you keep stuttering when you asked your girlfriend?" I ask him trying to hold back from laughing. "Yes he did!" Emalyn says and giggles. "Aww is big bro all embarrassed?" Funneh cooed to Jack as she ruffles his hair. "H-hey!" He says. We all go to our rooms. I don't really wear a shirt when I sleep cause who cares if I do? I go to sleep with Funneh in my arms while she snuggled into my chest. Goodnight Funneh...

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