chapter 1

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I woke up to my alarm which was set at 9am, otherwise I'd sleep for hours on end. I grabbed my laptop and looked at the views on my recent YouTube video, I had 2.58 million subscribes so it was doing pretty well.

Oh yeah, I'm Liv Jameson. I'm 18 and I live in Florida. I've been doing youtube about 3 months but I've been an instagram blogger for over a year. I've always dreamed of growing up and making people smile or laugh, and hopefully I've achieved that with my channel.

I grabbed my phone off of charge and texted my best friend Tessa.

To Tessa:
Morning girl, I saw your dance video last night. BABE IT SLAYEDDDD!

Tessa was an amazing dancer, like literally amazing!

She probably wasn't even awake yet since she lives in California in the Team 10 house. She told me that it's pretty hectic in the house and how I'm lucky with having my own apartment but honestly I think it would be cool to live in a big house with loads of people, it sounds fun.

I got up from my bed and headed to my kitchen for breakfast, I took my laptop with me and placed it on the counter. I grabbed myself some oatmeal and strawberries. I sat back at my laptop to check my emails. *New email from Jake Paul*. Why would Jake be emailing me? I clicked on the email wondering why he would even email me.

* To Liv,
Hey Liv I've been watching a lot of your videos lately and we've been looking for a new member at team 10 for a while, how would you feel about flying done in 2 days to come and stay for 2 weeks and see how you like it? Reply to me as soon as you can so I can buy your plane ticket. Hopefully I'll see you seen - Jake *

Me joining team 10?! That's means I'll get to live with Tessa. But then I'll have to move from Florida and that's where all my family is, I mean I could just go for 2 weeks and see how I like it. Yeah I'll go for the 2 weeks, this is going to be hella interesting. I'll just reply to Jake quickly telling him I'm interested.

* To Jake
Hey Jake, I'd love to come for 2 weeks and see how I like it. Don't worry I can pay for the plane ticket, see you soon! - Liv

I screamed, so loud. I was having a fan girl moment. But mainly I was going to see my best friend after 4 months apart, that was the thing I was happiest about. It's gonna be different living in a house with a lot of people but I think I could manage it.

Tessa told me about a guy called Chance, I've seen his instagram. He seems pretty cute and nice. Tessa has said about how she showed him my instagram profile and he's been low-key stalking it. It made me laugh a lot when she told me that.

I booked a plane ticket as fast as I could. I was way too excited for this. Should I tell Tessa now or wait until we FaceTime later? Yeah I'll wait.

I spent the most of the day editing so the video looked amazing. I ended up working out for 2 hours after I had my singing lessons. My phone went off, I had a text from Tessa.

From Tessa:
Yo FaceTime me, I'm so bored.

To Tessa:

* FaceTime calling Tessa *

As soon as the FaceTime connected Tessa screamed "LIVVVV". I reply with screaming back at her "TESSAAA". "So girl how are you?" Tessa asks me after our little screaming session. "It was AMAZING wbu?" I replied screaming a little bit. "It was gooddddd" she replied
"Ok so I have good news" I said about to tell her about me coming to see her. "Hit me with it" she replied with.

"IM GONNA SEE YOU IN 2 DAYS" I say screaming again. "REALLY?!" She screamed back.

Someone in the background says something that I can just about hear "TESSA ARE YOU OK?!" I hear being faintly screamed at Tessa. "YEAH IM JUST HAPPY" She replies back with a grin on her face. I see a face pop into the corner of the screen.

"Hey person" I say while laughing. "Liv this is Chance, Chance this is Liv" Tessa said introducing us to each other with a small smirk on her face. So this was the boy she was talking about. I hear Chance say to Tessa "wow she really is cute". "I can hear that" I laugh. "Oh uh see yah" he says looking embarrassed and disappearing from the screen. Me and Tessa both laugh in unison.

I ended up failing asleep on FaceTime to her. We talked about everything and had a dance party to top it all off. I can't wait till I get to see her.


Aye I hope you enjoyed this chapter of my Chance Sutton fan fiction, it will get better as it goes along. This was more of an introductory chapter so Chance will definitely be involved more in the second chapter. Bye xo

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