chapter 15

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Livs POV

We kissed but it wasn't an ordinary kiss, it was like we were watching fireworks go off. It was magical. I smiled as we both pulled away. He placed his hand on my jaw "I really really like you Liv" Chance said as my face relaxed into the palm of his hand. I smiled against the warmth of his hand. "I really like you too" I said as Chances face lit up. Then we kissed again, this one more intense then the last. Chances placed his other hand on the other side of my jaw and I wrapped my arms around his neck. It was like a scene from a movie but it meant so much more. I smiled against his lips making sure this memory was permanently imbedded in my head. We pulled away and chances cheeks were a deep shade of red. "Awh are you blushing" I laughed and pinched his cheek. "Oh shut up" he laughed pushing his hands away from my face playfully. "We should probably go downstairs now, they might be wondering we why are taking so long" I said getting up. Chance held out his hand and I pulled him up and we continued to walk downstairs.

Once we got to the bottom of the stairs we left go of each other's hands so the rest of team 10 didn't think anything had just happened. Nothing had been confirmed between us to yet but I wasn't going to go public and have it ruin what we have. I sat on a chair at the table next to Tessa and we started discussing a few things. Mainly what I should post on my Instagram.

(I don't have an exact image of what Liv looks like so it's up to you guys to use your imagination of what you think she would look like, this is because I don't want to limit your concept of what you think she looks like

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(I don't have an exact image of what Liv looks like so it's up to you guys to use your imagination of what you think she would look like, this is because I don't want to limit your concept of what you think she looks like. But if I ever mentioned Instagram pictures just imagine your concept of Liv is posing like that)

I captioned it 'morning face 👀' and posted it. "LIKE MY RECENT LOSERS" I shouted at the top of my lungs so everyone in the house was aware that I just posted. I saw that Chance had commented on it, he put 'morning face? more like gorgeous face'. I looked over at him and smiled, it was cheesy but adorable at the same time. Tessa had commented 'LOOK AT THIS MASTER PIECE' and Erika commented 'FACE GOALS'. I laughed and then proceeded to like some of the comments. I looked on my explore page and followed some fan accounts my supporters had made. I liked and commented on a few of their recents as well. I honestly have the best fandom, they are all so supportive and just amazing in general.

As I put my phone down Jake came through the front door. I didn't know where he went but apparently he was back from where ever he disappeared to. "TEAM 10 GET IN THE KITCHEN I HAVE SOME BIG NEWS!" He said the vlog camera still pointing at him so maybe it was just for the vlog. Me and Tessa got up and sat on the counters in the middle of the kitchen. Soon enough everyone from team 10 was in the kitchen, standing up or sitting on the counter with me and Tessa. "Ok guys so we've decided to go on a little adventure kinda thing" Jake said pointing the vlog camera at us for our reaction. "We are going to..." he paused. "JAKE SAY IT" I shouted at him not wanting to wait any longer for the surprise. "We are going to Disney land" He said smiling. I jumped off the counter and screamed. Disney was one of my favourite places in the world, besides my bed. "Wait you're paying right?" I said pausing my excitement for a minute. "Yeah think of it as my treat for being such amazing friends" Jake said smiling. I ran up to jake and hugged him "THANK YOU" I screamed. Everyone else was excited but me and Tessa were probably the most excited. Tessa joined in on our hug and soon enough it was a massive group hug with me and Tessa being squished in the middle. Everyone pulled apart from the hug and we all laughed. Chance wrapped his arm around my waist and I leaned my head into his shoulder then we just stood there and talked about what rides we were going to go on and how long we were staying for etc. We were gonna stay in a Disney hotel for 4 days so we didn't have to keep driving back at fourth. In my head I had already planned what i was going to wear each day. Jake mentioned going to a water park on the 4th day which sounded awesome.

"So jake why did you plan this?" Erika asked looking up at jake because they were standing next to each other. "Well, you guys are my family and I wanted to do something which showed how much I appreciated each and every one of you because you mean so much to me so I thought the best way to show my appreciation was to take you guys to the most magical place on earth" Jake said with a smile on his face. He was right. Team 10 is a family, this people are my family.


Another short chapter, sorryyyy. But I'm definitely going to make the chapters longer when they take the trip to Disney. I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you all for the positives comments, they mean the world. If you wanna message me at any point, go ahead Id love to talk to you. Anyway have a good day! Bye x

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