chapter 11

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Today was the day that my flight left for Florida. My mind was made, I was going to continue living at the team 10 house. I loved it here and if something didn't work out I could move back home easily or buy a small apartment.

I walked downstairs and shouted at the top of my lungs "TEAM MEETING IN THE OFFICE NOW!". I was going to tell them I was staying, for definite. Everyone gathered in the office "So what's the meeting for?" Jake asked me. "So if the offer is still open, I would love to officially join team 10" I said smiling. "YES YES YES YES" Tessa said smiling. "Of course!" Jake said smiling as well. I looked over to Chance and saw his face light up with a smile. "However I need to go home tonight to collect my stuff and tell my family about me moving" I said. "Can I come?" Tessa asked. "Yeah, of course" I said laughing a little. "But you'll have to share a room with Tessa" Jake said making sure I knew. "That's fine" Me and Tessa both said at the same time, laughing after we realised how we said that so quickly.

Me and Tessa quickly booked last minutes plane tickets, nothing exciting just normal plane seats. We were gonna stay for 5 days because I had to clear out my entire apartment. Our flight was in 8 hours, so we had plenty of time.

Me and Tessa went upstairs and sorted out her room so there was enough space for me to have an actual bed. We moved Tessa's bed closer to the wall and put my air bed in the space where my bed would go. We cleaned the room so it was nice before we got back. Unless the boys slept in here and messed it up.

Neither of us minded sharing a room, we were fine the past 2 weeks so it didn't matter. It was only temporary until Team 10 moved into a bigger house, which was hopefully soon.

We went food shopping so the boys didn't end up starving while we went. Erika was at meetings most of the time we were gone so there wasn't much chance of her acting like a mother of the house.

Eventually we had 3 hours left till the flight so we needed to pack. I packed everything I previously brought so I could put some things in boxes etc.

Soon enough there was only a hour left so we had to leave. We all went in the van and I sat in between Chance and Anthony. "I'll miss you" Chance said putting his head on my shoulder. "I'll miss you as well" Anthony said putting his head on my other shoulder. "I'll only be gone for 5 days guys" I laughed. "I know but we will miss you" Chance said. "I'll miss you guys as well" I said patting their heads. "I'm not a dog" Anthony laughed. "You sure?" Chance said. "Oooo savage" I laughed.

We finally got to the airport and all piled out of the van. I hugged everyone and finally got to Chance. He placed his head onto of mine. "I'll see you soon gorgeous" Chance said. "I'll miss you" I smiled against his chest. He planted a kiss on my forehead "Text me when you land". I nodded. Me and Chance had got extremely close during the past two weeks, I actually thought something might happen behind us. But I won't put any bets on it, at all.

Me and Tessa got onto the plane, immediately I missed the Team 10 house and Chance. I missed Chance a lot, I have to admit I was a bit clingy. I snapchatted a few videos of me and Tessa and eventually fell asleep. Tessa woke me up a few minutes before we landed. We finally got off the plane after letting a few people off in front of us.

We collected our luggage and got an uber to my apartment. As soon as we got in me and Tessa both crashed on the sofa.

*Next day*

I woke up with tons of missed calls and messages from Chance.

From Chance:
Did you land?
Are you safe?
Liv, are you at your apartment?
C'mon I just wanna know if you're ok
Please say you're ok
•missed call from Chance•
Liv answer your fucking phone I need to know if you're ok
Please answer!
Omg answer right now!
•3 missed calls from Chance•
How am I meant to sleep not knowing if you're ok?
•7 missed calls from Chance•
I'm just going to sleep, hopefully you're ok
Please text me as soon as you're awake

"Oh shit" I said rubbing my eyes as i read through all the messages. "What?" Tessa said waking up. "I have so many missed texts from Chance" I sighed. "Why?" Tessa asked looking confused. "I forgot to text him when we landed" I said as I began to text him back.

To Chance:
I'm so sorry, I forgot to text you. Me and Tessa ended up crashing on the sofa as soon as we walked into my apartment. I'm safe, don't worry about me ❤️

"I thought it was something important" Tessa said falling back asleep. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth so I didn't have morning breath. Just as I finished I got a FaceTime call from Chance. I answered it "Hey what's up" I smiled. "Just missing you and I wanted to see your face" Chance said smiling. "Awh you're so cute" I laughed. "Not as cute as you" Chance said giving a cheesy smile. I laughed at him as a slight blush crept onto my face. "Chance come downstairs!" I heard someone call Chances name in the house. "I'll message you later Liv, byeeee" Chance said waiting for me to say goodbye back. "Bye Chance" and then I ended the call.

It was 10 am so I decided to make pancakes. Yesterday my dad brought me some food shopping so I wouldn't go hungry, which was helpful because I had nothing in my fridge. I left Tessa to sleep and began to make the pancakes. A few minutes later they were done. I cut up some strawberries and put them on the plate with the pancakes and woke Tessa up to give them to her. "Morning" I smiled. "Awh thank you" she smiled already digging into her pancakes. I grabbed my plate of pancakes and sat down with her on the sofa. "So what do you want to do today?" Tessa asked with a mouthful of pancake. "Well we could start cleaning out my bedroom, give some clothes to charity and anything else I don't need" I said finishing my mouthful of pancake. I wasn't going to take all my clothes as I didn't have a lot of wardrobe space currently and I was probably going to buy loads of stuff when I went back to the team 10 house.  "Let's start once I've showered" Tessa said with a laugh.

Today was going to be packed.


Sorry there was no update yesterday, I got really busy and I was working on school stuff. But I'm sorry if you want longer chapters or more than one chapter a day but I am busy with school and I live in England so I might have a different time zone. Which means sometimes it's late when I update and I have no time left to write another chapter.Anyway thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed! Bye x

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