chapter 22

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*skip a few days and we are already home*

Me and Chance haven't talked for about 4 days, I'm holding up fine but he's not really leaving his room. I was sat in my room editing a new singing video that was going to be uploaded on my YouTube channel. Soon enough I was happy with the end result so I decided to make a thumbnail. I opened photoshop and began to edit when someone knocked on my door. "Come in" I said still paying attention to my laptop. "Liv, we really need to talk" Chance said, I knew it was him by his voice. "About what?" I said looking up at him. "I can't go another day of us not talking, it's tearing me apart" Chance said looking at the ground. "Come here" I said as I moved up on my bed making room for him to sit down. He walked over and sat next to me on my bed. "I shouldn't have got so jealous, I know. But I didn't want to lose you, especially when that guy said he liked you and wanted to have a chance with you. I couldn't control myself" Chance said looking at me in the eye. "I understand but things like this have happened before and it got worse" I said playing with the bottom of my shirt. "We can fix this, I promise" Chance said lifting my head up with his finger so I was looking him in the eye.

"Can I tell you what happened with my ex?" I asked. I didn't know those words would ever leave my mouth, I didn't really want to tell anyone about it but I needed to get it off my chest. "Only if you want to" Chance said holding my hand and rubbing his thumb over the back of it. "So basically when I was 16 I was in a relationship with a guy I thought that I was literally in love with, he treated me like a princess for like the first 2 months of the relationship but then he got really controlling. I didn't know if he just was just having a bad week or something so I ignored him. He wouldn't let me have any guys numbers or pictures on my phones, I had to block guys on social media. I couldn't even make eye contact with any guy, even people like my dad. He thought I was flirting with every guy I saw, he called me a slut or a whore just for looking at someone. And then he started being physical, he pushed me against the wall and slapped me around the face. He smashed a picture frame of me and him then used the glass to make a cut on my leg. He told me he didn't it because he knew I was cheating on him and that I slept around with anyone, but I wasn't. He scared me enough to not leave my room, I wouldn't talk to my brother for weeks and he thought I hated him. But I was scared and I just don't want something like that to happen again" I said a few tears dripping out my face "The thing that makes it even worse is that the cut he made on me, turned into a scar" I added pulling my top up and showing the scar that was on my waist. Chance used his finger to trace over the scar, I closed my eyes as he gently ran his finger over it. I opened my eyes to see his eyes looking glassy. "Are you going to cry?" I asked. "I just don't know how someone could be so horrible to someone so amazing" He said. A few tears fell from his eyes, I placed my thumb on his cheek and wiped them away.

"Chance, please never leave me" I said my voice slightly cracking "I've never found someone that makes me so incredibly happy and someone that can make me laugh so effortlessly, I need you in my life" I added the tears were flowing out of my eyes at this point. "Liv, I promise you I'll always be here for you. You make me incredibly happy, ask anyone in this house. You make me a better person and I want to keep you in my life forever" Chance said holding my face in his hands. My face lit up with a smile hearing his words. I wrapped my arms round the back of his neck and pressed my lips against his. We pulled away and a smile was across both of our faces. "Liv, will you be girlfriend?" Chance said looking at me directly in the eyes. "Yes yes yes yes, of course" I said my smile growing wider. He wiped the tears that were still on my face and kissed me. "Thank you for making me so happy" Chance said smiling. "You do the same for me" I said the smile still on my face. I can't believe he had actually asked me. "I need to take you on a date now" Chance said with a small laugh. "Well that's your job to plan" I said laughing as well.

We sat cuddling for a few minutes until I realised I had to edit a thumbnail. "You distracted me from editing" I said opening my laptop continuing to edit the thumbnail. "What's this for?" Chance asked twirling his fingers round my hair. "A singing video" I said. "Let me hear" Chance asked. "I guess so" I said opening the video and pressing play. "That's amazing" Chance said "you have so much talent it's unbelievable" he added. "Awh thank you" I said kissing his cheek.

I was finally happy in life.


A rushed chapter I'm sorryyyy. Comment any corrections because you guys really want me to update so here go! Also I've got a few messages saying you guys want a smut but idk comment if you want it I guess 😂 Message me any suggestion. Hope you enjoyed. Bye x

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