chapter 2

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~ On the plane to the team 10 house ~

The plan took 6 hours, i decided to edit a new video for my channel, it was a prank on my sister that I filmed less than a week ago.

I went onto my snapchat and filmed the view from the plane window and captioned it 'plane views ✌🏻'. I took some pictures with some snapchat filters. I checked my instagram liking some pictures and commenting.

~ 6 hours later ~

I texted Tessa saying I landed. When I got off the plane I grabbed my suitcase and ordered an uber to come pick me up. Everyone was busy at the team 10 house and Tessa's car was currently being serviced so I was stuck with some uber.

I got into the uber puttingmy suitcase into the back, I texted Tessa the whole way to her house and she got the gate open ready for me to get there.

The uber driver dropped me off outside the front of the house and helped me with my suitcase. Before I could even walk up to the door Tessa came running out with her arms open for me to hug her. I let go of my suitcase and hugged her as tight as I could.

"Liv I missed you so much!" She said as we hugged. "I missed you too" I smiled as we stopped hugging. "Quick come on" she grabbed my suitcase pulling it into the team 10 house.

"LIV IS HERE" she screamed telling the rest of the team 10 members that I had arrived. Erika run up to me embracing me into a hug. We'd been talking for a few months so I was excited to see her. As we stopped hugging a small crowd had formed around us. It consisted of Jake, Nick, Chance, Anthony, Emilio and Ivan. I'm not sure where Chad and Kade were but I'll probably see them later on.

Jake had his vlog camera out and was telling the Jake Paulers that I was staying in the team 10 house for the next two weeks and I was possibly joining them.

I finished hugging Erika and then was attacked with a hug from Jake. Followed by Nick, Ivan, Emilio and Anthony. Last was Chance, I ended up hugging him for longer than the other guys. He smelt so good. When I hugged him I felt butterflies in my something. Surely I didn't like him already, we practically only just met. I've spoke to him maybe twice but we hardly said anything.

Tessa quickly dragged me away to her room, which I was also staying in, so we could talk.

"I can't believe you're here!" She smiled as she fell back onto her bed. "Well i might be living here so get used to it" I said with a laugh. I sat at the end of her bed and took my phone out of my pocket. "Chance has been so excited for you to get here" she said with a cheesy grin on her face. "Really? He didn't act like it" I laughed. "Trust me, that's all he's been talking about. He was trying to act cool while he was around you" She said laughing. "Awh that's cute" I replied with a small smile.

*2 hours later of just being on our phones and messing around*

"How about we to annoy the boys?" Tessa asked with a cheeky grin plastered on her face. "I've only just got here and you want me to annoy them?" I laughed. "Well we could just put music on downstairs super super loud" She laughed back. "Let's do it then" I said with a smile.

We ran downstairs and Tessa showed me where the speaker was, allowing me to connect my phone using Bluetooth. I turned on 'Baby' by Justin Bieber and put the volume at its max. Me and Tessa danced around screaming the lyrics.

Chance was the first one to come downstairs shouting at us to turn it down. Me and Tessa just carried on dancing. "If you don't turn it down I will" Chance said walking over to my phone. "NO" I screamed running to my phone and picking it up. I only realised how close I was to him when I turned around to see his face a few inches from mine. "Turn it down" he said looking me directly in the eyes. "Nah" i smiled back.

Chances point of view -

I heard the song 'Baby' by Justin Bieber playing so loud from downstairs. Gosh I bet it's the girls. I ran downstairs to see Liv and Tessa dancing and screaming the lyrics. "TURN IT DOWN" I shouted trying to overpower the volume of the song.

They carried on dancing ignoring what I just said. "If you don't turn it down i will" surprisingly Liv heard me and ran to her phone as I started walking to it. I stood directly behind her. She turned round and realised how close I was to her. I looked down at her lips a few times, I couldn't help myself.

"Turn it down" I said looking at her. "Nah" she said smiling. Gosh that smile is so goddamn cute. We stood there staring at each other for a couple of seconds, neither of us knowing what to say.

Tessa turned off the speaker "Uh guys wanna stop staring at each other now?" She said. "Uh yeah" She said nudging past me. They both walked upstairs leaving me standing there. Well that got awkward...


Hopefully you guys liked this, I'll try update soon but yeah, hope you enjoyed. Byeee x

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