chapter 10

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I woke up to Anthony calling my name "Huh?" I said sitting up. He held up a piece of hair in his hand. "Bro you did not just cut my hair off" I said glaring at him. "Well your hair is in my hand" He laughed. "Chance were you in on this?" I said looking at Chance who was holding a camera. "Yup" he smiled. I slowly got out of bed and jumped on Anthony's back "I hate you so much" I said while slapping him. He began to run around and I couldn't keep myself on his back for any longer. I jumped down and began to attack Chance. I jumped onto him and slapped his head a few times before he started spinning around. Finally he dropped me so I ran back into my room and locked the door. "Liv, it was a prank!" Chance said knocking on my door. I had to get them back, I wouldn't let them win.

I got in the shower and washed my hair, as normal I spent way too much time in the shower doing nothing. I got out and put my hair into two French braids so I didn't have to dry my hair. I put on some black ripped jeans and a red cropped sweater. I put a bit of makeup on so the bags under my eyes weren't as visible. I put eyebrow product on and mascara.

I walked downstairs to get some food, I grabbed a packed of chips and began to eat them. "We are going to the gym, anyone wanna come?" Chance asked. Perfect time for the revenge. "No, I'm good" I smiled back. "See you lot later" Chance said as they left the house. They meaning Jake, Chance and Anthony.

I ran to Tessa who was sitting on the trampoline "Help me prank Chance and Anthony!" I smiled. "What did they do?" Tessa asked me. "They pretended they cut my flipping hair off" I said rolling my eyes. "Ohh they did that to me before" Tessa laughed. "So are we pranking them of not?" I asked with a evil grin. "Obviously, I didn't get any revenge when they did it to me so, I'll help you" Tessa smiled.

We thought for 5 minutes of different pranks to do to them, but then we decided to combine them all together. We had slime in a bucket at the top of the door so when it opened they would be covered in slime. Their hair wash contained blue hair dye. There was clear wrap in between the two pillars downstairs so when they chased after us they'd get caught on it. Oh and we are going to set their 'yeezys' on fire when they chased us outside. We got faked yeezys and hid their real ones so they thought it was real. I texted jake telling him to not be the first to come through the front door and he agreed to it. We set cameras up everywhere, it would be perfect for a YouTube video.

Just as planned they came in through the front door and were drenched in slime the second they opened the door. The boys didn't suspect me or Tessa they assumed it was Jake setting up a prank before they left so they went upstairs to shower. Chance ran downstairs with blue hair (he put clothes back on) while Anthony hadn't yet showered.

"Liv, was this you?" Chance asked staring at me. "Tessa helped" I smiled. They both came running at us straight into the clear wrap that we set up early. They stood back up staring at us. We ran outside and I grabbed the matches while Tessa grabbed the Acetone. They both stopped when they saw what was in our hands and that their 'Yeezys' were on the floor. "Here's for pretending to cut my hair" Tessa said, pouring a load of acetone of both pairs of the fake shoes. "And here's for pretending to cut my hair" I smiled lighting a match and placing it closer to the shoes. "LIV DONT!" They both screamed just before the fake shoes went up in flames.

I grabbed a camera that we set up earlier. "How does it feel to be the only one in house without a pair of yeezys" I asked them. "This better be a prank" Chance said glaring at me. Tessa came and stood next to me "No, you deserve this" Tessa said with a grin across her face. "I don't know what to say" Anthony said with his mouth wide open in shock. "How about, Tessa and Liv are the best pranksters in the world" I smiled. "Sounds about right" Tessa laughed. "I hate both of you" Chance said glaring at me and Tessa. The shoe fire was now out. Me and Tessa slowly walked backwards into the house as they boys walked towards us. We started running but I was soon caught by Chances arms around my waist restricting me from running. Tessa had managed to run up the stairs but Anthony was after her.

Without warning I burst into laughter, Chance seemed confused but ended up laughing with me. We just stood there laughing, he turned me around so I was now facing him but his arms were still around me. He placed his forehead against mine "Your laugh is the most adorable thing ever" He said smiling. "Well, I thought you were a lot more adorable than anything about me" I said retuning the smile. A slight blush had crept onto my cheeks, making me feel slightly heated. Chance lightly laughed noticing my cheeks "Stay here, at the Team 10 house. I don't want you to leave" he said as he brushed a hair away from my face. He just reminded me that I need to make up a decision...


Ok I hope you liked this, I kinda rushed writing it so I'm sorry if it didn't make that much sense to you but I tried to to write as many words as I could. If you have any suggestions just comment them and I'm sure I'll consider each one of them. See you next chapter,
Bye x

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