chapter 9

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I woke up early enough for Jake to not prank me while I slept, which was a good thing. I put a random hoodie on from the Tessa's wardrobe and went downstairs to get something to eat. The fridge was pretty much empty all the time so I didn't expect something decent to be in there. But it looked like Erika went food shopping so we actually had something. I decided to make pancakes, because everyone loves pancakes.

I found a recipe online and got all the ingredients out and began to make the pancakes. Chance walked into the kitchen, surprisingly he was awake at this time. "Want a pancake?" I asked him whilst I flipped the pancake. "Of course" He said smiling. He walked up behind me and I felt his hands on my waist. "They smell amazing" He said whispering into my ear. "Mhm" I nodded. I placed a pancake onto a plate. I felt something brush past my neck and realised it was Chances lips. I felt a soft kiss placed onto my neck.

"Morning guys!" Jake said pointing his vlog camera at us. I felt Chance's hands leave my waist as quickly as he could, I didn't want that moment to end if I'm honest. "Morning jake" I smiled "want a pancake?" I asked.  "Nah, I have to go to Disney" He said "You two get back to whatever you were doing, I'll see you later" He added walking out to his car. I handed a plate of pancakes to Chance and continued making my own. I finished making them for myself and cleaned up  and then proceeded to eat them. "These are delicious" Chance said smiling at me. 

A little while later we had finished our pancakes and I ended up cleaning the kitchen because this house was incredibly dirty. I walked upstairs into mine and Tessa's room and saw she was awake "You missed me making pancakes" I laughed. "Awh really?" She frowned. "I'll make them for you another day" I smiled. "Yay" She laughed.

About an hour later Erika walked into our room to ask us something. "Anyone wanna go tan on the roof?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows. "Of course!" Tessa said standing up. "Yeah I'll come" I said going to my suitcase to get my bikini. Erika took a seat on the end of Tessa's bed while me and Tessa took it in turns to go into the bathroom and change.

We climbed the ladder on Jakes balcony to get onto the roof. We each laid out a towel and put some music on so it wasn't so quiet. We laid there for probably over an hour until the boys
came up to bother us. "Yo yo yo" Chance said walking over to us. "Sup" Anthony said trailing along behind him. Chance came and sat next to me while Anthony sat next to Tessa and Erika. I put my head in Chance's lap because it was a lot more comfortable than the roof. He played with my hair while we made some conversation.

"Your hair is really soft" He said twisting it round his finger. "I would say the same for you but I haven't touched your hair" I laughed. He grabbed my hair and put it on his hair. I ran my hand through his hair "Oo your hair is really soft" I smiled. "Oi, you two stop flirting" Tessa said looking at me and Chance. Erika and Anthony both laughed at what she said. "We aren't flirting, we are just being friendly" Chance said with a smirk. "Mhm, sure" Erika said laughing.

We stayed on the roof for about another hour just doing random things and talking about stuff. "Anyone want to go get something to eat?" I asked. Tessa and Erika both agreed and the boys just asked if we could bring them something back. We all got down from the roof then me and the girls got changed and ready to eat.

We decided to just go to a cute little cafe a few blocks away. I ordered a chicken salad sandwich and the girls just ordered salads. We ate them and talked about random things. I realised I only had 4 days left till my flight back to Florida and I needed to decide wether I wanted to stay at the team 10 house or not. I thought if I told Erika and Tessa that I had to leave so soon then they could help me decide.

"Guys, I have 4 days until my flight back to Florida" I said. "Do you not want to join team 10?" Erika asked. "I think so, I love it at the house but I don't want to leave my family" I frowned. "Liv, you can always go and visit them, we can go with you if you want to pack" Tessa smiled. "I guess so" I smiled as well.

We headed home with food for the guys and ended up watching a movie and heading to sleep pretty early. I think I was definitely going to join team 10 but I'll tell everyone that tomorrow.


Sorry I updated so late, my eye has been hurting so much that it keeps blurring my focus making it hard to right. But I hope you enjoyed this!    Bye x

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