chapter 3

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Liv's POV -

"GIRLS GET READY WE ARE GOING OUT FOR DINNER IN 2 HOURS" Jake shouted at us from downstairs. "WHY THOUGH" Tessa screamed back down at him. "TO CELEBRATE LIV BEING HERE" Jake shouted back up. "Awh that's so nice" I said smiling. "ALRIGHT" Tessa said shouting again.

"Can I use your shower quickly?" I asked Tessa needing to wash off my makeup. "Yeah of course" Tessa replied scrolling through her phone "Be quick though I need to use it" she added. "Alrighty" I said grabbing my towel from my suitcase.

I went into the bathroom, turning on the shower allowing it to warm up. I took off my clothes and tied my hair into a high bun so it wouldn't get wet. I got into the shower and washed my face as well as my body.

After about 10 minutes I got out the shower and put some shorts and a Jake Paul sweatshirt that Jake gave me earlier. I walked out of the bathroom and went over to my suitcase to get my makeup out. "I'm gonna get in the shower I'll be out in a bit" Tessa said walking into the bathroom. "Okkkk" i said longing out the k.

I sat by the mirror and started putting on my makeup. I did a nude smokey eye with some eyeliner. Along with a dark-ish lip. By the time I had finished Tessa had got out the shower and had slightly curled her hair.

I went back over to my suitcase, putting my makeup back and finding an outfit to wear.

(*this is the outfit expect the jacket is a denim jacket*)

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(*this is the outfit expect the jacket is a denim jacket*)

I quickly changed looking into the mirror seeing my reflection, I had just left my hair down and straight. Tessa walked out of the bathroom, fully ready and she looked absolutely gorgeous.

"Tessa you look gorgeous" I said smiling at her. "Babe, have you seen yourself?! You're fucking slaying" She said with a little giggle at the end. "Awh you're too kind" I said laughing.

I looked at the time, we had about 10 minutes left till we were going to leave so we decided to go downstairs.

All the boys were sitting on the couch downstairs, ready to go to dinner. We walked downstairs and instantly all eyes were on us. "DAMN GIRLS" Jake said pointing the vlog camera at us. We both laughed. "Spin for the camera" Jake said slightly zooming in to us. We both spun round showing the back of our outfits. Not that it really mattered if I'm honest. "You too look amazing" Anthony said smiling at us. "Thank you" we both said returning the smile. "You guys honestly do look amazing" Chance said looking at me with a smile. "Thanks" I smiled. "Excuse me there's two of us" Tessa said laughing. "What do you mean?" Anthony said sounding so confused. "He was looking at just Liv and didn't look at me" Tessa said looking from me to Chance. "Oooo boi you playing" Jake said laughing.

We all stood by the door waiting for Nick and Erika because they all got home a little later than us. Erika was like the mom of the group so I was surprised that she wasn't ready.

We all got into the team 10 van and Nick started driving to the restaurant. I think Tessa told them that Italian food was my favourite because we ended up parking in front of an Italian restaurant. We all piled out and sat at our table. I had chance on one side and Tessa on the other.

We all ordered our meals and talked while we waited for our food to come.

"So Liv, what do you enjoy doing" Anthony asked me looking at me from the other side of the table. "Uh I obviously do youtube, I sing a bi-" i was cut off by Erika. "You sing?!" Erika asked her eyes widening. "Yeah I do, but I don't really sing in front of people" I say in return. "You have to sing for us tonight" Jake said. "Maybe" I returned a bit nervous. "Trust me guys she's absolutely amazing!" Tessa said adding into the conversation.

After a few minutes our food arrived. I got a pizza because just pizza is amazing there's not enough words to describe it.

We all finished our dinner and headed back to the van and drove home. I sat next to Chance and started to feel a bit sleepy. I put my head on his shoulder closing my eyes a bit. He put his head on top of mine and we made some talk.

We eventually got home and luckily I didn't fall asleep on the way back. We all walked into the living room and everyone sat down on the sofa. I got into the trampoline and started bouncing trying to wake myself up a bit. Chance joined me on the trampoline and as I bounced he grabbed my waist and pulled me down. We started wrestling and was interrupted by Jake saying "Yo guys stop flirting we are trying to watch something" He said rolling his eyes going back to focusing on whatever he was doing. "Whoops" I said jumping off the trampoline running upstairs to change into something that's more comfortable.

I put on Jake Paul sweatpants and a Tessa Brooks Hoodie. Always plug kids, even when the cameras are off. I walked back downstairs and sat next to Tessa. "Yo can you sing for us now?" Chance asked. "I don't knowwww" I said longing out the w. "Please, we all really wanna here you sing" Anthony said. "I guess so, but I'm going to face the wall ok? Ok" I said standing up so my back was to them.

(*just imagine this is liv singing this^*)

I turned around and was greeted by clapping. "That sounds amazing, you have serious talent" Jake said with a smile across his face. "Woah, I have no words. That was breathtaking liv" Chance said smiling at me. "That's was absolutely beautiful" Erika said everyone agreeing with her. "Thank you so much guys" I smiled.


Sorry I didn't update earlier I was really busy but here's a kinda long chapter so I hope you enjoy, I kinda rushed writing it so I could update and start writing another chapter. Chance will be in more chapters later on. Hope you enjoyed! Bye x

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