chapter 19

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I woke up to Erikas alarm, which wasn't the best thing in the world. I turned around to see Erika start climbing out of her bed. "Where you going Rik?" I asked rubbing my eyes. "The gym, wanna join?" She asked. "Nah I'm good, I'll go later" I smiled. "Tessa" Erika said shaking Tessa to wake her. "Huh?" Tessa said waking up. "Let's go to the gym" Erika said. "Alright" Tessa said crawling out of bed. "Want me to go ask Chantony if they want to go?" I offered. "Yes please" Erika said walking into the bathroom to change into her gym clothes. I only had a sports bra and short shorts on to I put on a Chantony hoodie which I found in my suitcase. I walked out of my room and knocked on there door. Surprising Anthony was awake "morning" he said opening the door. "Do you wanna go to the gym with Tessa and Erika?" I asked him yawning. "Sure" He said walking over to his suitcase to put a top on. I walked into their room to see Chance awake on his phone. "Morning Chance" I smiled. "Morning gorgeous" Chance said back. "Should I just go and knock on their door?" Anthony asked about to leave the room. "Uh yeah" I said as I put my hair into a ponytail because it was messy. "Byeeeee" Anthony said walking out and closing the door. I looked over at Chance and smiled "Come cuddle" he said with his arms wide open. I walked over to him, got onto his bed and laid in his arms. He ran his hair through my fingers as we talked. "How was your sleep?" I asked. "It was good, it'd be better if I got to sleep with you" Chance said with a smirk. "Yucky" I laughed. "How did you sleep?" Chance asked me back. "It was good" I said snuggling into Chances chest. I slowly started to close my eyes. "Are you about to fall asleep?" Chance whispered. I nodded as I slowly drifted off and felt a pair of lips connect with my forehead for a second.

I was woken up by someone tapping me on the shoulder "Liv, wake up" I faintly heard. "I don't wanna" I said cuddling up even more to the cover that was over me. "Come on, you need to get ready I wanna go to breakfast" The voice said again, I realised it was Chance. I opened my eyes and saw Chances face hovering over mine. "Come lay back down with meeeee" I said grabbing his hand trying to pull him back into the bed. "Liv, Disney opens in an hour and I'm hungry as fuck" Chance said. "Fineeeee" I said rubbing my eyes and sitting up on the bed. "Can you carry me to my room" I asked. "You're so lazy" Chance sighed and then proceeded to pick me up in bridal style as I draped my arms around his neck. The door was already open so he just pushed it open and was greeted by Erika and Tessa laying on the beds. "Ooo what have you two been doing" Tessa smirked. "Well she's been sleeping on me but then I decided to get ready because I couldn't fall asleep" Chance said throwing me onto the closest bed. "So you went into Chances room to sleep?" Erika asked me. "Pretty much" I said with a cheesy smile. "I'll see you guys later" Chance said about to walk out of the room. "Noooooo don't leave" I frowned. He walked back and kissed me on forehead and then left.

"I need coffeeeeee" I whined logging out the 'e'. "I'll go get you some" Erika said. "Lemme get some money out" I said getting up and walking to my bag. "No no, I'll pay cause I wanna get some myself" Erika said standing up. "I wanna go!" Tessa said getting up as well. "Ok well while you guys go get coffee I'll get ready" I said putting my hair into a bun. "What do you want?" Erika asked. "A mocha frappe pleaseeeeee" I said. "Alright we'll be back in a minute" Erika said walking out the room with Tessa. I walked into the bathroom took off my jumper as well as everything else I was wearing then got into the shower. I sung the first song which came to mind, which was 'Most girls' by Haliee Steinfield. It was one of my favourite songs at the minute. It took me about 10 minutes to shower, I wrapped a towel around me and walked to my suitcase to find something to wear.

I put my outfit on (pic above) and took my hair out of the bun and brushed it

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I put my outfit on (pic above) and took my hair out of the bun and brushed it. I decided to put it back into a ponytail so my hair wouldn't get in my face on the rides. Smart decision. Half way through doing my makeup Tessa and Erika got back. Erika handed me my frappe and I continued to do my makeup, very simple but cute at the same time.

I finished my drink and threw it in the bin. "Cmon let's go get breakfast" Erika said. "Ok lets get Chantony and get going" Tessa said. We all walked out of the room and I knocked on their door. "Damn you look good" Chance said immediately after opening the door. "I try" I laugh. "Should we get jake and the others?" I asked. "They're already there" Anthony said. "Of then lets goooo" I said skipping down the hall. We all got into the elevator and went to the breakfast place that Jake and the other guys were at. We all sat down and I sat next to Chance and ordered pancakes. I loved pancakes so much it's probably unhealthy. We all talked about what rides we wanted to go on until our food arrived. "So Girls I have a surprise" Jake said shutting us all up. "What is it?" I asked. "Well Erika was telling me about how much you all wanted to meet the characters" Jake said "so I booked you places to go meet some of them" He added with a smile. "Oh my really?!" Me and Tessa said at the same time. "Of course, my treat" Jake said. "Jake your the best person ever" I smiled. "Anything for my three favourite girls ever" Jake said, his smile still upon his face. "Today is gonna be amazing" Erika said before digging into her breakfast. This was gonna be one of the best days ever.


So I think I might try to upload once every two days or if I can once a day. It will depend on how busy I am. So I hope you enjoyed, message me suggestions if you want to. Comment if there's any errors I need to fix because I'm rushing. Bye x

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