chapter 17

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We had an hour left till the park actually opened some everyone went into chantonys room. I ran into their room and jumped onto Chances bed, I could tell it was Chances because he put his suitcase next to it and it was already a bit messy. Everyone else came into the room and sat on the small sofa, Anthony's bed or Chances bed. Chance walked out of the bathroom and sat next to me. He wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him, no one noticed except Tessa who winked at me. "So what rides should we go on first?" Jake asked the group with his vlog camera pointing at all of us. "SPACE MOUNTAIN" i shouted out. "Who else wants to go on space mountain?" Jake asked and everyone said yes. "Ok well that's the first ride settled" Jake added. "We could make small groups and go off into them and meet back for lunch?" I suggested. "Yeah I like that" Erika said with Tessa agreeing. "Alright we can spilt into groups once we ride space mountain" Jake said agreeing with what I said. "I'll go with Tessa and Erika" I said quickly. After a few minutes of arguing over kade we decided that after lunch we could change groups. So far we agreed on Jake, Chance, Anthony as one group. Another group being Ivan, Emilio, Nick and Kade. Oh and of  course me and the girls. Soon enough the hour was up and we headed into the park.

We got a fast pass for space mountain so we got to the front really quick. We all got into the seats, me and Tessa were at the front with Nick and Erika behind us. "I'm scared" I whispered to Tessa. "Me too" she whispered back. Erika leaned forward and whispered "Don't be such babies you'll be fine" with that she leaned back into her seat laughing at us. I grabbed onto Tessa's hand as the ride started. At first it was ok but then it got a lot scarier and faster. The thing that scared me the most was that it was pitch black for most of the time. My grip on Tessa's hand tightened every time I got scared and she would do the same to me. Eventually the ride ended and we all got off. We looked at the pictures that were automatically taken and it was absolutely hilarious. Me and Tessa were holding onto each other for dear life, while nick was looking like he shit himself and Erika looked like she was about to vomit. All the boys just had there hands up in the arm looking like they were laughing. I brought one of the photos because it was just so amazing.

We all spilt up and the first thing me and the girls did was go and buy some Disney ears from the cutest gift shops ever. I just picked some normal Minnie Mouse ones and so did both of the girls. We put our ears on and walked around to find some rides. We decided to go on Small world which was such an adorable ride. We also went on the Tomorrowland ride and by the time we had got off we had 5 minutes left to meet everyone else for lunch. We had decided on some random restaurant we had walked past earlier for our lunch. Me, Tessa and Erika made our way to the restaurant and talked about how we wanted to meet the characters but had no time to.

We got there and everyone else was waiting for us at a table. We all took our seats next to each other and the table discussed what rides they went on. We ordered and I had the most delicious pasta ever, it was so fricking good. "What groups are we going in this time then?" I asked after I finished my pasta. "I wanna go with Nick" Tessa said. "I'll go with the Martinez twins so they understand what's going on" Jake said laughing. "We'll take Kade" Nick said. "Erika I'll go with you" I smiled. "Yo I wanna go with Erika" Anthony said after stuffing his food into his mouth. "Ok well then me, you, Erika and Chance can go as a four" I said laughing. "Sounds good" Chance said smiling at me. "Alright, let's pay and go on some more rides" Jake said. We all paid for our meals and walked out the restaurant. I wanted to go on the tea cups so that's the first place we went. Me and Chance got in a tea cup while Erika and Anthony got into a different one. It took a minute to get everyone on but once it started I felt like I was a child again. We spun it round and I got out my phone and posted some of it on snapchat. When the ride came to the end we got out and walked towards the magic castle, it was absolutely breathtaking. I was walking a bit ahead of Erika, Chance and Anthony but I heard a clicking noise as if someone had taken a picture of me. I turned around the see Chance pointing his phone at me, I just laughed at him knowing he wouldn't share it. I slowed down and began to walk with Erika, Chance and Anthony. We went on a few more rides and last of all went on a water ride. We got off and we were absolutely soaked, good thing we saved it till last. We headed back to our hotel because we were going to a fancy restaurant to eat dinner. Me and Erika went into our room and saw Tessa still wasn't in there, I'm guessing she was still enjoying the trills of Disney. I looked through my suitcase and picked out a white long flowy top with a khaki jacket (pic below).

Tessa finally walked in as I began to do my makeup and she was soaked aswell

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Tessa finally walked in as I began to do my makeup and she was soaked aswell. I only did a simple look so it didn't take very long. I sat down on my bed and looked through my phone, a notification popped up.

'@/imchancesutton tagged you in a picture'

I clicked on the notication wanting to see what he posted. It was the picture he took early of me, but why would he of posted it.

(Here's the picture, just imagine the Disney castle is in the background)

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(Here's the picture, just imagine the Disney castle is in the background)

He captioned it with 'the most magical place with the most magical girl 👑
@/ayeitsliv'. My heart melted as I read the caption, it was the most adorable thing ever. I don't know why exactly he had done it but it put a smile on my face. I liked and commented saying 'gosh you make me smile ❤️'. I read through a few comments and most of them said '#Lance'. Erika ran over to me "Explain this" she said putting the phone in my face with a massive grin on her face. "I'm not even sure, he posted it" I said the same smile still on my face. "SHIP" Erika screamed. I laughed at her, I was on cloud nine and I wasn't coming down any time soon.


Finally a chapter, I'm so sorry for making you guys wait but this is a kinda long chapter and it has some good ship moments in it. Shout out to @jtraweek2 for the idea of Chance posting Liv on his Instagram.   Anyways I hope you enjoyed, I'll try my best to post soon but don't expect one immediately. Byeeee x

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