chapter 7

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I woke up at 11am which was surprising considering I lived with team 10. I guess Tessa asked the boys not to wake me up after last night. I should thank her for that later. I grabbed my phone and scrolled through Instagram, liking posts and following some accounts. I pushed my blanket off of me and got into the shower. I stood there for 20 minutes, not doing anything. It was really relaxing but if I stayed in there for any longer I'd probably cause a drought. So I got out and put on some shorts and a random hoodie.

I was sat on my bed, scrolling through my phone, when someone knocked on the door. "Come in" I said without looking up. "How was your sleep" The person said. I looked up to see Chance standing at the door. "It was good, I guess" I said turning off my phone "Look I'm sorry for yesterday, I shouldn't of acted out on you, i can't control what you do" I added looking up at him. He walked in and took a seat next to me on my bed. "No no, I should be saying sorry. I shouldn't of bragged about sleeping with that girl, I just felt like you didn't actually like me so I tried to distract myself." He said playing with the hem of his shirt. "Why would you think that Chance?" I asked getting him to look at me. "I- I don't even know" He sighed. "I acted out because I was in a bad relationship a few months ago and I was scared it would happen again" I said. "Whatever happened in your last relationship will never happen with me, you don't have to tell me what happened but I promise you I will never hurt you" He said looking me directly in the eyes "I want you and only you Liv" He added. "You mean that?" I asked with a small smile. "Of course I do" He returned my smile. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him and with that everything was back to normal. He planted a kiss on my forehead and left me to carry on getting ready.

No words could describe how happy and relived I was at this moment.

I grabbed my makeup bag and started applying some concealer, powder and mascara. Oh and eyebrow product, gotta keep those brows on fleek. I put my hair into a messy ponytail. I walked downstairs to see the girls on the trampoline while the boys were in the office.

"Hey" I said sitting on the trampoline. "How was your sleep?" Tessa asked smiling. "It was good, me and Chance are good now. We talked about what happened" I smiled. I wasn't going to tell me everything he said just the bit about how he said he wants me and only me. I felt a chin rest on my shoulder "Hey gorgeous" Chance said. I knew it was him without even turning round. He planted a kiss on my cheek and walked to the fridge. I saw Tessa and Erika begin to fan girl "Guys calm down you're drawing attention to yourself" I laughed.


"YO LETS GO TO THE BEACH BABY!" Jake screamed. "BEACH?!" I screamed. I absolutely loved the beach, it was my favourite place in the world. "YEAH BRO GET READY!" Jake shouted back. I ran upstairs and went through my suitcase, I still hadn't unpacked whoops, but I needed to find a bikini or swimsuit.

I put on my bikini (above^) and put on a pair of shorts and a white top over it

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I put on my bikini (above^) and put on a pair of shorts and a white top over it. I was assuming that kade is coming so I could get some fire instagram pictures. I grabbed my sunglasses and put a beach towel in my bag along with my phone and some tanning oil, because I really need a tan.

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