chapter 14

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We woke up at 9 am so we could fully pack and still get to the airport for 2pm. Instead of taking boxes of clothes I just put it all into 2 suitcases along with anything else I wanted take. I threw out any food that was left in the fridge and made sure I vacuumed before I left. Me and Tessa were gonna get an uber to the airport early so we could eat there and edit. I had blogged these past days I was back in Florida but most clips weren't long enough so I was going to upload them all together as a week vlog.

I said my final goodbyes to the apartment and headed down to the lobby and gave them my main key and spare key for the next owner. We got into our uber which was super awkward because he had some weird music playing. Me and Tessa sat there snaphatting it and silently laughing about it.

We arrived at the airport two hours early for our flight so went through security and everything so we could eat. We eventually food a Burger King but there was no where else to get food from. We both got our food and sat down on a couch near a charging port to relax for a bit. There was a Starbucks near where we were sitting so I brought a drink for me and Tessa once I had finished my food. Soon enough it was time to board the flight. We walked down to our gate and got seated on the plane. For most of the six hours I was editing and looking through photos from a recent photo shoots I done with kade.

Finally we landed and collected our luggage. We called an uber to get to the team 10 house, it wasn't a long drive so I was just on the phone the entire drive. Once we got back to the team 10 house Tessa immediately screamed "WE'RE HOME BITCHES". I laughed at her and screamed "DID YOU MISS THE BEST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD?". Me and Tessa both stood there laughing. Erika walked out of her room and immediately hugged us. We both hugged her back and soon enough everyone was downstairs, expect Chance. We said hugged everyone and then headed upstairs to unpack.

I had officially moved into the team 10 house. I realised my bed frame had been put up. I'm guessing the boys had done it which I'm grateful for but I wonder who actually done it or came up with the idea of doing. My bed frame had drawers in it so I started putting some of my clothes and other stuff in the drawers.

I sat on my bed and put my phone on charge because it had 10% and didn't like it when my phone was under 20%. It was like a pet peeve of mine.  I left my phone upstairs and went downstairs to get some food. All the boys were sitting around the breakfast bar. "Which one of you guys made my bed frame for me?" I asked as I looked in the fridge. "Chance did" Jake said. "Thanks" I smiled looking at him. "It's ok" He said still looking at his phone. I could tell something wasn't right. I didn't really find anything to eat because the fridge was empty. I laid on the trampoline facing the backyard. I felt another part of the trampoline dip and then someone placed their hand on my waist. "Can we talk upstairs please?" Chance whispered. "Sure" I nodded. We both got off the trampoline and walked upstairs into chances room.

We sat on the bottom bunk and it was slightly awkward. "Whatever the boys said, I promise you it wasn't the truth. They must of been trying to prank you but it didn't work out. Please believe me" Chance said looking at me directly in the eyes his eyes filled with worry. "I don't even know Chance, I want to believe you but I'm scared" I sighed looking at the floor. "Please believe me, I'll even get the boys to prove to you they were sugarcoating it. You are the only girl I have my eyes on" Chance said as he lifted my chin with his finger so I looked him in the eyes again. My eyes flickered to his lips a few times, I won't deny that I wanted to kiss him. But maybe now wasn't the right time.

After a while I finally said something "I believe you, you did need to get the boys to prove something. If what you said was true then I should trust you" I said smiling a bit. "Thank you so so much" Chance said his face lighting up with a smile.

*Chances POV*

"Thank you so so much" I said immediately smiling. I looked down at her lips, I had an erg to kiss her. I leaned in slightly closing the gap between us. She also leaned in which means maybe I should kiss her. Finally our lips connected, it was like fireworks erupted everywhere. It was magical, nothing like any other time I had kissed a girl. Maybe this meant something.


Ok so I hope you enjoyed. Another rushed chapter, I'm sorry if again something doesn't make sense just comment on it so I can sort it out. I wanted to get another chapter out before I slept so here it is. Comment any ideas you want me to include and I'll try my best to incorporate them. Thank you for reading. Byeee x

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