chapter 8

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I woke up pretty early, it was about 8:15 so I took a shower, did my makeup and changed into some jeans and a hoodie. Jake was probably awake but I didn't expect anyone else to be. I saw two cans of silly string on Tessa's floor. So why don't I wake the boys up with that.

I woke Tessa up asking if she wanted to join me in waking the boys up but she ended up falling asleep again. I knew the code to the boys room so it was easy to get in. Just as I thought all of them were asleep. I shook the cans trying to make as little noise as possible. I started spraying it on the Martinez twins and they seemed to wake up pretty fast. "Liv, what is this?" Ivan asked me. "Silly string" I whispered, giggling a bit. I started spraying it on Chance and Anthony, they both sat up "Morning" I smiled. I continued to spray them until the bottle was empty. "Was this meant to be a prank?" Anthony asked. "No just trying to wake you guys up" I smiled. Chance started getting up and so did Anthony. The both started walking towards me slowly. I opened the door and backed out of it slowly and they still followed me. I turned around and started running downstairs. "OHIO" I heard them scream as they started running towards me. I ran to the kitchen but because the boys are 'Ohio athletes' they managed to catch up to me. Anthony caught me and wrapped his arms around me so I couldn't move easily. "Let go of meeeee" i whined. "Nah, Chance get the taser" Anthony said. "Chance, don't you dare" I said looking Chance directly into the eyes. Anthony walked up to Chance will I was still in his arms, while Chance started pressing the taser buttons. "Just do it then" I sighed. There was no point trying to escape, their Ohio athleticism would out run me. "You sure?" Chance asked holding it to my leg. "Yeah it's cool" I said thinking it wouldn't really hurt.

The instant shook of the taser went throw my leg making me jump and fall out of Anthony's arms. "SHIT THAT HURTS" I shouted. Both of the boys laughed at me, eventually they helped me up.


The doorbell rung. "I'll get it" Jake yelled walking out the office and opening the door. He was greeted by two adorable babies. "Hey Maddison, hey Kyler" Jake said as the mother and father carried there babies in with their carriers. "Awh they're so adorable" I said walking up to them. "Hi, I'm Liv" I said introducing myself to Maddison and Kyler. "Hi, this is Taytum and Oakley" Maddison said pointing down to each baby. "Can I hold one?" I asked. "Of course, pick which ever one you want" Kyler said laughing. I unbuckled Oakley from her carrier and picked her up. "Awh aren't you the most adorable thing ever" I said smiling at the baby. Erika came out of the office to see the babies and picked up Taytum. Jake grabbed his vlog camera and pointed it at Erika. "See Erika this could be us one day #Jerkia" He said smirking behind the camera. Jake panned the camera to me. "Nah, this will be me and Liv, #Lance" Chance said wrapping his arm around me. I just laughed. "Nah, what really happened is that me and Liv had a kid each and we gave them to Kyler and Maddison because we didn't want them near the Ohio boys" Erika said looking at me. "Yeah so really these are our kids" i smiled. "But it takes two people to make a kid" Chance asked. "Yeah so?" Erika said. We all just laughed and continued playing with the babies.

"Can we take some pictures with the babies" I asked Kyler and Maddison. "Go for it!" They both replied. We grabbed kade and went outside the front of the house with the babies. Now I had Taytum and Chance had Oakley. We took a few where me and Chance were standing next to each other with the babies in our hands looking like a couple. Just for the instagram.

Soon enough the babies had to leave which made me sad, they were so cute I just wanted to keep one. I flopped down onto the sofa and scrolling through my phone. I had nothing left to do today, maybe I could go to dance with Tessa later if she asks but if not I'll probably stay here and watch Netflix.

~ text messages ~

From Tessa:
You wanna come to dance with me?

To Tessa:
Yeah, what time are we going to go?

From Tessa:
Is 5 good?

To Tessa:
Anytime is good I've got nothing to do

From Tessa:
Ok we'll go at 5, I'll be home in like 20 minutes

Tessa was currently shopping with her sister hence why she wasn't home for most of the day.

I decided to go upstairs to get changed for dance because there was literally nothing else to do. I put on a cropped black long sleeve top and adidas leggings and my trainers.

We went to dance and came back exhausted. I quickly went upstairs and shower changing into a long baggy top and short shorts. I walked downstairs and into the office where pretty much everyone was.

I took a seat next to Erika and watched her typing away on her computer. After a while I decided I was hungry enough to order postmates. "Does anyone want anything from postmates?" I asked everyone in the room, everyone but Chance said no. "What do you want Chance?" I asked him. "What are you getting?" He asked me back. "Pasta" I replied. "Alright I'll have that as well, I'll venmo you the money. "No it's fine I don't mind paying" I smiled. "I'll have something then" Jake said. "No you missed your opportunity" I laughed. I ordered the food and waited for it to come. Surprisingly it only took 25 minutes.

I ate my food which was delicious and went upstairs to watch Netflix. Eventually I fell asleep. I really love the team 10 house but I don't know if I could bare moving away from my family. But this could help my singing career so much, so many I should join Team 10 officially.


Sorry I didn't upload yesterday, I was at a Shawn Mendes concert which was so much fun and I had a break from writing. Anyway thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed. Bye x

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