chapter 13

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I sat there as a tear rolled down my face, I cant believe what he's done. I thought he cared, I guess that was only as a friend. "Liv, are you ok?" Tessa asked. She heard everything that Jake told me. "Yeah, I fine" I said as a few more tears dripped down my face. She instantly wrapped her arms around me "Babe you aren't fine, I know that you aren't" she said hugging me tighter. "I just thought he actually liked me, but boy was I wrong" I said letting all the tears flow out. "Maybe they're just friends and they playing a video game together or something?" Tessa said trying to comfort me. "I don't know what's the truth anymore T" I said sniffling. "Right let's watch movies all night till a stupid time in the morning and order pizza" Tessa said smiling. "I like the sound of that" I said wiping underneath my eyes.

I turned the tv on and Tessa ordered 2 pizzas and a bottle of soda. I logged in my Netflix account and started looking through movies to watch. After about 30 minutes the pizza had arrived and we had picked our first movie which was 'Mean Girls' an all time classic and favourite. I snapchatted a picture of the tv screen and captioned it 'Movie night with T ❤️' and obviously posted it.

We were about 20 minutes into the movie when Chance texted me.

From Chance 🌹:
Liv, idk what the boys said but she was a friend we literally sat on the couch and watched a movie and she started to get closer to me and I made up an excuse for her to leave because I didn't want it to go any further. Please please please believe me I wouldn't do anything to hurt you again, I promise.

I didn't answer him, I didn't want to even consider answering him. Maybe he was telling the truth but I'll never properly know. I put my phone down so the screen was facing the downwards. I took a piece of pizza and stuffed my face with it. Tessa could tell I wasn't very happy so she handed me another slice of pizza which I stuffed my face with again.

It was 3am and Tessa had fell asleep against my shoulder. I went onto snapchat and tried loads of different filters on her then posted them because most of them were hilarious, in other ones she literally looked like a sleeping goddess. Eventually I started feeling sleepy so I turned off my phone and fell asleep.

I woke up to see Tessa wasn't lying on the sofa with me. I looked over to the kitchen to see her standing up making breakfast. "Morning" I said standing up and rubbing my eyes."I made you breakfast" Tessa smiled. "Awh thank you" I smiled as she handed me over scrambled eggs and toast. I immediately ate it because I was so hungry. "How do you feel?" Tessa asked me. For a few moments I forgot about what happened with Chance "He texted me saying they were just watching a movie and she started getting closer to him so he made up an excuse for her to leave" I said explaining the text. "It doesn't seem like Chance would invite a girl over to smash especially when you two have been getting so close" Tessa said. "I know but this has happened before" I said. "But you guys weren't as tight as you are now" Tessa stated. "I mean that's true" I started to see his side of the story and how the boys probably took it out of proportion. Maybe I should of messaged him back.

Me and Tessa both showered and got changed and began to do the last of the cleaning out. Soon enough pretty much everything was gone except a few boxes I wanted to take to the house. Even though me and Chance weren't particularly on speaking terms (which was very one sided) I was still going to move in with my best friends.

Our flight was mid day the next day so we were gonna do a few final touches when we woke up. I let Tessa sleep on my mattress and I was gonna sleep on the couch which was going to stay in the apartment when I hand in my notice for the next owner. I didn't need it now anyway especially if I was living in a house with like 8 beds to sit on and a trampoline.

I looked through twitter and saw a tweet from Chance which said 'I can't explain how much I miss you' and another one from Jake 'I think I just messed up my best friends relationship' which Anthony quote retweeted saying 'same bro'. Now I saw chances side of the story and I started to believe him...


You guys wanted another update so this chapter is really short because again I rushed it just for you guys! Hope you enjoyed. Bye x

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