chapter 20

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Me, Tessa and Erika spent the day meeting Disney characters which was amazing. Honestly one of the best experiences in my life. My favourite picture was of me and Mickey Mouse. He was kissing my cheek while I smiled. Definitely putting it on my Instagram later.

We all wanted to stay and watch the fireworks because they were so amazing. We were all sitting around waiting for them to go off. "Today was incredible, thanks Jake" I smiled. "Anything for you guys, you're my best friends/sisters, family's do nice things for each other" Jake said. Soon enough the fireworks were beginning so we all stood up and gazed at the sky. I filmed some of it and put it on my snapchat. "Its so... breathtaking" I said starring up into the sky admiring the art which was forming. "I know something that's even more breathtaking" Chance said whispering in my ear from behind me. "Well these fireworks are gonna be hard to beat but go ahead anyway" I said with a small laugh. "You" Chance said spinning me round by my waist. "Me?" I questioned, raising my eyebrow. "Of course" He said before pulling me into a kiss which was more magical than the place we were standing. It took me by surprise but I kissed back. I pulled away with a smile across my face. We turned back around to watch the rest of the fireworks and Chance wrapped his arm around my shoulder pulling my closer to him. I rested my head of his shoulder and smiled. I was so incredibly happy.

The fireworks were finished so we all headed to the lobby of our hotel to decided where to eat. "I don't feel like going out tonight, shall we order postmates?" Tessa asked. "I'm up for that" I said. "Same here" Erika said as well."Well we had dinner plans so you guys can stay here while we go and we will see you in a bit" Jake said. "Okay see you in a bit" I said as all the boys walked out of the hotel to get dinner. "So girlies what should we order from postmates?" Erika asked. "Pasta?" I questioned. "Of course you said pasta" Tessa said with a laugh. "Excuse me, pasta is delicious" I said rolling my eyes jokingly. "Ok ok true, but can I get sushi" Tessa asked. "Order whatever you want" Erika said passing her phone to me. Me and Erika got pasta while Tessa got sushi. We decided to wait in the lobby for it to come because it was only gonna take 20 minutes. We sat on our phones talking about our day till our postmates arrived.

We headed up to our room to eat it. We played some music but not too loud because we didn't want to get kicked out of the hotel. I sung along to most of the songs while eating and Tessa danced while shoving her face with sushi. Erika just filmed up acting like plebs. We all finished our food and put the reminders in our little trash can. We sat on our beds talking about random things. "So erikaaaa, who catches your eye" I asked her winking. "I don't knowwww" Erika said sighing. "What does that mean" I asked. "I think I like Jake, but I don't want to turn this into the jalissa situation" Erika said playing with the bottom of her shirt. "What about you, Tessa?" I asked looking at T. "Wait let me guess for Tessa" Erika said before Tessa answered. "Go ahead" Tessa said with a little laugh. "You like Anthony" Erika said with a smirk. "Maybeeeeee" Tessa said longing out the 'e'. "Awh you guys would be super cute together" I smiled. "What about you and Chance" Erika said winking. "I like him but I'm not sure if he likes me or if he's just playing with me" I sighed falling back onto my bed "I really like him to the point of where it scares me" I added. "Liv, I'm pretty sure he likes you" Erika said reassuring me. "I can never be sure after what's happened before" I said. "Have you not seen the way he looks at you, I've honestly never seen him so happy until you got here. Liv you changed him" Erika said "I mean he's still a messy bitch but he's changed" Erika added and laughed. "He's actually told me once before that he really likes you but doesn't want to mess up your friendship" Tessa said. "I guess that's true" I sighed. "Well if anything happens WE ARE ALL INDEPENDENT WOMEN" Tessa started "AND WE DON'T NEED MEN" Erika finished. I laughed at both of them.

"We should do something" I said scrolling through my phone. "Gym?" Erika asked. "I mean I didn't go this morning so I should probably go now" I said putting my phone down "let me just change real quick" I said before getting my gym clothes and walking into the bathroom to change. Once I had changed I walked back out into the room allowing the girls to change. I put on my gym shoes and waited for the other two. We all walked down to the gym and started to work out. I sat down for a minute and a guy came and sat next to me. "Hey" He said starting a conversation. "Hi" I said smiling. "How are you" He asked smiling back. "I'm good, a bit sweaty but good" I laughed "what about you?" I added. "Same" he said laughing as well. "Oh I should introduce myself, I'm Alex" he said with another smile. "I'm Liv" I said returning the smile. "Where are you from?" He asked. "Florida, but i live in LA" I replied. "Niceee, I live in Arizona but I'm visiting Disney with my little sister" Alex said answering his own question. "Awh that's sweet, I'm here with my friends. One of them actually paid for us to come here which was awesome" I said. "That sounds cool, how long are you staying for?" He asked. "Another day, I think" I said. "Well if I don't see you tomorrow here's my number" He smiled handing me a piece of paper "Text me whenever" He added. "Sure" I smiled and with that he left the gym. "What did he say?" Erika asked sitting next to me. "Well he gave me his number" I said looking down at the piece of paper. Should I even text him?


Yay, another chapter. Again it was rushed because I was super busy today so comment if there's any mistakes I need to fix. Message me with suggestions. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. That's all, bye X

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