chapter 18

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I knocked on Chanthonys door and Anthony opened it. I pushed past him and jumped onto Chance who was laying on his bed and wrapped my arms around him. "What's this for?" He asked wrapping his arms around me. "Your post, it was the sweetest thing ever" I smiled. "You deserve a lot more" he said kissing my forehead. "I couldn't ask for any better than this right now" I smiled. I stood up and sorted out my top. "By the way you look stunning" Chance said getting up to stand next to me with a smile plastered across his face. "You don't look too bad yourself" I said smiling. "I'm gonna go see Erika and Tessa, I'll see you later" I said planting a kiss on his cheek and walking out of the room. I walked back into my room, which was only next door, and saw Tessa and Erika waiting for me. "So what happened?" Erika asked. "Well I mean obviously in the minute I was gone I had sex with him" I laughed. "Wait really?" Tessa asked her mouth open wide. "Oh Tessa, you don't have a simple little mind" I laughed. "She's being sarcastic" Erika laughed. "Ohhhh" Tessa said realised what I said and joining in with the laugh "but for real what did you say?" Tessa added. "So I went in there and hugged him saying it was the sweetest thing ever and he said I deserved more then he kissed me on the forehead. He told me I looked stunning so I said he didn't look that bad himself and I kissed him on the cheek then left" I said summarising what happened in Chances room. "Awh that's so cute" Erika squealed. "SHIP" Tessa screamed. Erika got a text from jake saying that he was going to meet us at our room so we can go to dinner.

We all stood outside our door and were soon joined by chantony. Chance came and stood next to me and wrapped his arm around my waist. "You're looking stunning as usual" Chance said kissing my forehead. "You already said that to me" I said with a small laugh. "You deserve to be told multiple times" He said smiling. "Lessa is better" Tessa said pulling me away from Chance and wrapping her arm around my waist. "Yeah I agree" I smiled. "Lesrika is even better" Erika said wrapping her arm around my waist from the other side. "Oo that is very true" I laughed. "Chantony for life" Anthony said chest bumping Chance. "We are so much better" I smiled. "Mhm sureeeeee" Anthony said. "Sorry but Lance is still my fave" Chance said. We all laughed but he just stood there smiling at me.

Jake walked up to us with Nick and the Martinez twins. "Let's go eat!" I smiled. Me, Tessa and Erika all skipped to the lobby holding hands because we are the definition of best friend goals. We weren't going far that far to get to the restaurant so we decided to walk (it wasn't in the Disney park). We arrived at a restaurant that served loads of different food. I was most likely going to get Italian, obviously. We all walked in and took a seat at a massive table. I sat next to Tessa and Erika. Chances was across the table with Anthony and Jake next to him. He keep playing footsie with me which made me laugh a few times. I only ordered a pizza with a coke because I'm on vacation I don't need to be healthy. Chance kept on taking slices from my pizza so I kept stealing his fries, they were really good. Eventually we had all finished, I was about for my meal when Chance paid for it without me even saying a word. "Thanks" I laughed. "Anything for you" Chance smiled. "You're so adorable" I said smiling at him. He winked at me before joining the boys.

Me, Tessa and Erika began walking back to the hotel and soon enough the boys caught up to us. Everyone went into Jakes room but I needed to tie my hair up so Chance tagged along to go to my room to get some hair ties. I went into the bathroom and tied up my hair while Chance sat on one of the beds are waited for me. "Cmon let's go" I said walking out the bathroom. "Come lay down for a second" Chance said. "Chance cmon they'll think we are doing something" I said walking up to him. He grabbed my waist and pulled me onto the bed with him. "Chanceeeee, let's gooooooo" i whined as he wrapped his arms around me. He started lightly kissing random parts of my face until he reached my lips where he kissed me properly. I kissed back, smiling against his lips. Every kiss felt like a first with him. He looked into my eyes and smiled "We can go now". I pulled him up off the bed and we walked back to Jakes room.

"Why did you guys take so long" Anthony said smirking. "Because Chance is a loser" I said smiling and sitting next to the girls. "Excuse me, I'm not a loser" Chance said walking to Anthony. "But for real what did you guys really do?" Jake asked, he didn't have his vlog camera out so it wasn't for the vlog or anything. "That's for us to know and you to find out" Chance said smirking. "Ewwww, you better not of done anything sexual" Tessa said sounding like a 10 year old. "We kissed that's all" I laughed. "Check them" Jake said. "Are you being serious?" I said laughing again. "Oh we are serious" Anthony said. The boys checked Chances neck and saw there was nothing there. Tessa and Erika then checked my neck and saw nothing was there. "See I told you" I said rolling my eyes. "We will get you guys one day" Jake said. We all watched a movie and headed back to our rooms, we fell asleep pretty quickly because we were all exhausted. Another amazing day with the best family anyone could wish for.


Another chapter, sorry for the delayed updates I'm busy with school. I rushed this so if there's any mistakes just tell me and I can correct it. Anyway hope you enjoyed. Comment any suggestions and feel free to message me. Bye x

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