chapter 4

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After singing to everyone, we watched a movie and then ended up going to sleep. I slept on a blow up bed in Tessas room while she slept on her bed.

*The next morning*

I was woken up by a leaf blower being blown in my face by Jake. He pointing his vlog camera at me waiting for me to react, still with the leaf blower in my face. I grabbed the taser from Tessa's bedside table pressing it to scare him. He slowly backed away as I begin to sit up. "That's right you better run" I said staring coldly at Jake.

I chased him out of the room but i soon was held back by arms being wrapped around my waist. I instantly dropped the taser in shock. I turned around to see Chance smiling down at me. I looked forward seeing Jake point his vlog camera at me "We knew you would chase after me so we stopped you" He laughed. "I will get my revenge, that goes for both of you" I said glaring at Jake then lifting my head up to look at Chance. "Sure, shortie" Chance said with a little laugh. I knew I was short but sometimes it annoyed me when I got called it. He kissed my forehead and let go of me.

Jake quickly picked up the taser from the floor and headed downstairs. I walked back into Tessa's room and went into the bathroom to shower.

I put my outfit on (which is the outfit above ^) and sat down by Tessa's mirror to do my makeup

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I put my outfit on (which is the outfit above ^) and sat down by Tessa's mirror to do my makeup. I just went with a natural look aka foundation, concealer, eyebrows, mascara and a nude lipstick. My skin was pretty clear but i enjoyed doing makeup.

I got up and went downstairs for breakfast. "Morning losers" I said as I saw all the boys on the trampoline or standing around it. "What did you just call me?" Jake said jumping off the trampoline. "A loser" I laughed as I opened the fridge. "Take that back now!" Jake said sounding like a child. "Nahhh" I smiled grabbing some strawberries for the fridge and eating them. "MOM, LIVS BEING MEAN TO ME" Jake screamed. "Mom?" I questioned. "Yeah Erika is team 10 mom" he said with a small smile. "Ohhh makes sense" I laughed. Erika walked into the kitchen "Jake, shut up" She said taking one of my strawberries and putting it into her mouth. "Liv called me a loser though" he frowned. "Grow up" Erika replied. "You're so mean" he said walking away joining the other boys at the trampoline.

"Liv" Erika said looking at me. "Yeah" I smiled. "Chance keeps looking at you" She said her volume lowering a bit. "So?" I said confused. "Has anything happened between you two?" She said raising her eyebrow with a smirk. "I mean he kissed my forehead this morning" I said "but it probably meant nothing" I added. Erika winked "Mhm sure girl" and walked back to the office. I laughed at what she said and finished eating my strawberries.

I heard the door open and saw Tessa walking in "Finally! Where did you go?" I asked as soon as she got to the kitchen. "Early morning workout" She said drinking a glass of water. "You could of invited me" I frowned. "I didn't want to wake you, sorry Liv" She replied after finishing the glass. "It's cool, I was waken up by a leaf blower which was a different wake up method" I laughed. Tessa laughed then said "I'll go get ready then we can go get coffee and go shopping, sound good?". "Yeah let's do it!" I smiled. Tessa went upstairs and began to get ready.

I ran over to the trampoline and started jumping on it, all the boys had now gotten off and where standing talking about something.

"DOG PILE!" They all screamed at the same time. I was taken down by Chance as all the others pilled on top. I just lay there laughing, sure I couldn't breathe properly but it was funny. After a few minutes they all got off and went either upstairs or in the office.

Chance held his hand out for me helping me get to my feet. "Thanks" I smiled. "No problem, shortie" He returned with a smile. Again with that nickname. "Why shortie?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "Because you are shorter than me and it's a cute nickname for such a cute person" he laughed climbing off the trampoline, with that he disappeared to his room.

Tessa finally finished getting ready and came downstairs. "Come on liv, Lets go!" She said opening the door waiting for me to join her. "Coming!" I said running to the door. I had everything I needed in my pockets my phone, etc.

We got coffee and then went shopping. I got some cute new clothes and a new pair of sneakers while Tessa only brought a pair of sneakers as well even though she has way too many pairs. When we got back we hung out with the boys and went to sleep. A pretty good day I'd say.  Maybe I should officially join team 10, I love it already.


This is kinda a long chapter but i wanted to update for you guys so here it is. I hope you like it and I'm sure I'll update again soon! Bye x

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