chapter 12

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It was the second day that me and Tessa had been back in Florida. Throughout the time I wasn't with Chance I was texting him 24/7. I missed him a lot, I know it's ridiculous I'm not dating him or anything but I just missed his hugs and him in general. So far me and Tessa had cleaned out my bedroom and my office. We gave a lot to charity because I didn't need to take it all. We put a few things up for sale and most of them were already sold and needed to be collected. But so far we were doing well.

We were both sitting on the couch with our feet on the coffee table. Tessa was editing something and I was watching youtube with my headphones in, while texting Chance obviously. The YouTube video ended and I put my laptop on the floor. I grabbed a blanket that was on the sofa and put it over me cuddling up to it.

~Incoming FaceTime call from Chance 🌹 ~

I immediately answered wanting to see and hear his voice as fast as I could. I was obsessed with this guy. I smiled as soon as it connected and I saw his face pop up on my screen. "Hey gorgeous" He said smiling as he saw my face. "Hey" I smiled. "I miss youuuuu" he said frowning. "I miss you too" I said frowning "but I'll be back in like 3 days" I added smiling again. "But I just wanna wrap my arms around you" He said continuing to frown. I blushed at how cheesy he was being "Oh shush" I said pulling the blanket over my face so he couldn't see my bright red cheeks. "Awh are you blushing?" Chance laughed. "Maybe" I laughed removing my blanket from my face.

Anthony stuck his head next to Chances "Wheres Tessa?" Anthony asked. "Well hello to you to" I laughed. "Hey liv, Wheres Tessa" Anthony said again. Tessa stuck her head next to mine "I'm here" she said smiling. "Tessa, come back you left me all alone" Anthony frowned "And Liv you left me alone with Chance who can't stop talking about you" He added. "Whoopsie" me and Tessa said at the same time both followed by a laugh.

We FaceTime Chance and Anthony for about 2 hours until I fell asleep on FaceTime.

*Next day*

I woke up and grabbed my phone from the coffee table. I went onto snapchat to open a few messages from my streaks and stuff. I saw a picture of me on Tessa's story. I clicked on it and it showed me fast asleep on FaceTime to Chance and him also being asleep, I screenshotted it because I thought it was hella cute.

I checked my messages to see a message from Chance.

From Chance 🌹:
I miss you still :(

I smiled at his message, it made me happy that he actually thought about me even when I wasn't in the house.

To Chance 🌹:
I miss you aswell :(

I never knew someone could make me so happy just from a 'I miss you' text. It was crazy how much Chance made me happy. He just brought a smile to my face all the time. I think I was in love with this boy.

I put my phone down and went into the bathroom to shower. I pulled my hair out of my ponytail and turned the shower on to warm it up. I took off my clothes and got into the shower. I quickly washed my hair and got out so I didn't use so much water. I put my hair into bun and wrapped a towel around me. I walked into my bathroom and put some camo leggings on with a black top. I walked into the living room to see Tessa awake on the sofa. "Morning" I smiled. "Hey" she said rubbing her eyes. "Wanna go get breakfast before we start cleaning out some more?" I asked. "Yeah but I gotta shower" She said getting up and walking to the bathroom.

I went into my bedroom and took my hair out of the bun and starting putting it into two braids. I pulled some bits out of the front to frame my face and started to put on my makeup. Just the everyday kinda look. I went back into the living room and sat on the sofa waiting for Tessa, after about 30 minutes she was dressed and ready. We left my apartment and walked down the street to IHOP. I ordered pancakes with strawberries and extra cream because why not. We both ate our food and headed back to my apartment to finish sorting everything out.

We had finally sorted out the kitchen and finished at about 8pm. We both slumped down onto the couch when I got a FaceTime call from Jake, which was weird considering he never texted me or anything. I answered it immediately.

"Yo yo yo" I said smiling as the screen connected. "Uh Liv" Jake said looking worried. "Yeah?" I said a bit confused. "Chance has a girl over" Jake said making my heart immediately drop. "So?" I said hoping it was just a friend. "They are upstairs together" Jake added. "Oh ok" I said trying to make sure my voice didn't crack "I uh need to go" I said hanging up.

I didn't expect this.


Sorry for the really late update I got super busy so yeah. This chapter isn't that long but I didn't have any ideas I could long out. I rushed doing this so I'm sorry if some of it doesn't make sense. Hope you enjoyed. Bye x

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