chapter 6

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*2 days later*

"Liv, Wheres Chance?" My music was interrupted by Jake coming in to mine/Tessa's room asking where Chance was. "How am I meant to know?" I asked pausing my music. "Well you two have some sort of thing for each other so I'm assuming you know where he is" He said standing in the entrance of my door. "He's your best friend though" I laughed "I'm sure he will be back soon from wherever he is" I added. "I guess so" Jake said before disappearing.

I put my music back on and hummed to the tune. Tessa walked in, I assumed she went on a run because she was soaked with sweat. "Morning" she said panting. "Go get in the shower" I laughed. "No I wanna hug" She said trying to wrap her sweaty arms around me. "No no no, I've already showered today" I said getting up and backing away from her. "Fine, I'll shower then" She said walking into the bathroom. "Can I use your straighteners please?" I quickly asked before she got into the shower. "Sure!" She shouted as the water turned on.

I sat down by the mirror and began to straighten my hair. Normally it would be naturally straight with a bit of wave but I wanted it to be dead straight cause why not.

I was about to walk downstairs when I saw the boys crowded around Chance asking where he had gone. Why was he wearing the exact same clothes from yesterday? Did he stay somewhere last night? He's not my boyfriend I should think things like this, maybe I did like him but I can't tell him what to do.

"Check his neck!" Jake shouted as Chance tilted his neck both ways to show there was nothing there. "Clean!" Anthony shouted back. "Check his chest as well" Anthony shouted again. Jake lifted up his shirt and nothing was there. "Last of all, check his back" Jake said as Chance turned around. "Nothing there, he's clean" Anthony said. "But you were at a girls house right?" Jake asked. "Yeah, where else would i be" he smirked. "That's my boy!" Anthony and Jake shouted out.

Now I was pissed. From the minute I got here he's flirted with me and now obviously I don't mean anything. That's why I don't get into relationships. I walked downstairs past the boys not saying a word until I reached the bottom step "Just because he doesn't have any on his neck that doesn't mean the girl he slept with is clean" I said walking into the kitchen. I had a right to be pissed, he led me on.

"Liv, are you ok? I heard what you just said to the boys" Erika asked me looking confused. "Yeah, I'll be fine Rik" I sighed. "Come on, lets go get some coffee and talk about it. I'll get Tessa" she smiled. "Ok" I said returning the smile.

Soon enough we were all sitting in a small cafe drinking our coffee. "So what happened?" Erika asked shipping on her drink. "Yeah ever since day one i feel like Chance has flirted with me and now he's proud because he slept with some girl and I just- I don't know what to do. It doesn't matter really" I said drinking my coffee. "Liv, I think you like him" Tessa said looking at me. I do like him, I really do but I don't know if I should tell the girls. Whatever I know they wouldn't spread it. I nodded "I guess I do like him" I said looking down playing with the straw of my cup. "And he likes you too" Erika added. "Why was he so proud of sleeping with another girl? Is he trying to rub it in my face or something? It's not like I've gone round making out with every guy I've seen" I sighed. "Guys are confusing, even worse because we live with them" Tessa said "but personally I would ignore him all day, see how long he can go without your attention" She added. "That seems like a good idea" I smiled. "Right let's head back them" Erika said as we all stood up to leave the cafe.

I ignored him for the whole day, I could see him getting angry but it didn't faze me at all. But I was sitting in my room when he came in and tried talking to me again. "What have I done wrong Liv? You haven't talked to me all day, just tell me what the hell I've done wrong!" He said his voice full of anger. I was at the point where all my tears were built up, i couldn't hold them in for any longer. "Being proud of the fact you slept with a girl when you were constantly flirting with me. I've been here a week and you've flirted with me everyday and yes I've flirted with you too and I actually thought you cared. But I was wrong, boy I really was wrong" I shouted a tear falling down my face. "You don't understand" Chance said trying to put some kind of point across. "Just leave" I said and with that he turned around and walked out of my room. He didn't even attempt to stay and talk to me.

The tears burst out of my eyes. I fell to the floor crying. Yeah some people may think this was dramatic. But i'd gone through this before and I couldn't face it again. As I was still crying Tessa walked in, unaware of why I was crying. "Omg Liv what's wrong?" She said sitting next to me trying to calm me down. "I just couldn't hold the tears in any longer" I said then proceed to tell her about how I was in a relationship with someone where they would abuse me, they used me and made me think they actually loved me. I didn't want to turn it into a sob story but I had to tell someone. "Liking Chance was only a petty crush, but I thought it could go somewhere" I said sniffling. Tessa comforted me to a point where she made me laugh.

"This calls for a girls night in, I'll get Erika and we can order a pizza and just watch movies all night" Tessa said smiling at me. "That sounds amazing" I smiled. The rest of the night Me, Tessa and Erika ate pizza and watched movies all night to the point where we fell asleep.


I hope you liked this chapter, I wanted to put a bit of drama in the story and if you don't like it. Oh well. Anyway I'm gonna get started on a new chapter as soon as I can but for now have a good day/night. Bye x

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