Chapter Two

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Jimin sighed when he noticed the other notebook on the table. Grabbing his bag, he put it inside too, hoisting it back on his shoulder. He then went back to his friends, two of whom were supposed to leave now with him so they could later reach their workplace on time. Jimin meanwhile also texted Seokjin, telling him about the forgotten notebook and if Jimin could come to his work, wherever it was, to drop off the book.

Seokjin arrived at his work as he dressed up and put his phone in the back pocket of his uniform and walked behind the counter of the small starbucks. He smiled at customers, wrote their names wrong on purpose and smiled when they laughed over it. When he was on his break he checked his phone and saw that Jimin texted him. 'You left your notebook here,' he ran to his bag and found out it was the lyrics notebook, hoping so badly that Jimin wouldn't read in the notebook.

He locked his room behind him after changing and grabbing his little side bag with his phone and his notebook. Making sure he had his extra clothes, he left his house, telling Seokjin that he had his notebook safe and would safely give it tomorrow, promising not to open it. He then tucked his phone in his pocket as he drove to the dance studio where he was going to teach kids dancing for a couple of hours before his live performance job at a café towards the outskirts of the city.

Seokjin was done with his shift. He texted Jimin within two seconds after he stepped out of the starbucks, he had a frappe in his hand, he always made one just before leaving, he texted Jimin. 'Where do you work?' Hoping Jimin would see this before he had to work.

Waiting till his students wanted to take a break, he finally grabbed his phone off the speakers, unlocking it to go through his notifications, in case they were any. Reading Seokjin's message, he texted back with the address of the café, including a short message at the bottom, 'I work there from 7 to 10 every alternate day but I don't have your notebook with me right now' before sending it. When he noticed the kids were ready to start again, he plugged his phone in again, turning to teach them.

He didn't have his notebook right now. He texted back. 'Can I come by your place then later tonight?' Seokjin would even be out at 11 pm, just to make sure he had his notebook himself. He added in another message. 'We can also work on the song.'

At the end of the two hours, Jimin changed into cleaner clothes in the in studio changing rooms. Gathering his things, he checked his phone again, deciding to text Seokjin his home address. 'Then dinner at mine? Unless it's too late for you? I'll be back by 10:20.' Switching the silent mode off, he put his phone on the passenger seat next to him, driving to his next destination.

'I can help cooking?' Seokjin texted back as he went home to get his car. He lived close to the starbucks and the academy so he usually didn't drive that much. He liked the fresh air while cycling his bike so he didn't. As he arrived at the parking lot of his dorm he opened his car and sat down. He took his phone and placed it on top of the dashboard unsilencing it and then turning the keys.

Jimin made his way to the back of the café, greeting all the waiters, finding his friend Taehyung amongst them before going to the area where the guitar was usually kept. 'Uhh... I was planning on getting takeout actually? But I don't mind.' he texted back before getting the guitar and heading to the front where the manager guided him as usual, to his seat. He was surprised to find his vocalist friend, Jungkook, already at the performance stage. Putting his phone in his pocket, he started to pay attention at his job. He'd be looking at his phone again in about half an hour he guessed.

Seokjin drove to the library to work on an essay he had to make about music history and he would stay there until 10, so he could leave to Jimin's place. He sends a message to Jimin asking for his address so he knew where to go to and put his phone down.

Smiling at his partner, he put down his guitar, pulling out his phone to check if Seokjin had texted him. Smiling at his assignment partner's text, he just sent his address again and in the next text, he sent Jungkook's picture, writing under it 'I'm working with another one of our vocalists right now~ he's really good! I'm wondering about how good you must be ^^' '. At Jungkook's prompting, he put his phone away again, picking up his guitar again so he could accompany the young singer, pulling the mic closer to harmonise better.

Seokjin realized that Jungkook was very beautiful, probably such as his vocals. Seokjin was tempted to pass by Jimin's work. So he did. He packed up his laptop and pens. He walked down the stairs of the library and started to walk to the cafe where Jimin worked. Seokjin looked through the window of the cafe and then turned around. He didn't want to look stalkerish to Jimin so he wouldn't.

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