Chapter Five

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Jimin closed his door and locked the car, joining Seokjin. "It's warmer in my house for sure. I have humongous hoodies you can wear comfortably." Jimin said, gesturing Seokjin to follow him as he walked in front, leading the way to his apartment which was on the second floor, scaling the stairs as he usually did. "Also, climbing stairs helps warm you up!"

Seokjin sighed at the stairs, himself he lived on the first floor so he didn't have to walk stairs, except when he to Namjoon, he lived on the third floor of their apartment complex. "I don't like stairs." Seokjin sighed.

"Get used to them love, they're the only things keeping me fit. Speaking of, how do you stay fit if you don't even like stairs, not to be rude or anything." A ringing interrupted them and Jimin grinned, jogging up the last few steps and eagerly opening his door. "The pizza is downstairs. I guess we won't have to wait then"

"I like walks in the forest? They give me inspiration for lyrics," Seokjin said as he followed Jimin who jogged up the stairs so Seokjin took a little sprint and walked into Jimin's apartment, it was a half messy place but not all too messy.

"oh right, I'm sorry for the house. The second door on your left is my room, your lyrics notebook is on my study table." Jimin said as he grabbed his wallet and got ready to head downstairs to get the pizzas. "But yeah forests are great but aren't you scared?"

"Why would I be scared?" Seokjin said, "but get the pizzas!" Jin said as he opened the door seeing a bed and a desk in the room, he saw his familiar mario spiral notebook on the table and grabbed it smiling. He looked through the pages. He put them in his, pink, bag. He realized he got really comfortable with that last comment, he got so weird when he was hungry.

Jimin chuckled and headed downstairs, cheerfully chatting with the delivery boy while paying. Within a few minutes, he was pushing the door open with his free hand, his other hand holding the pizzas, potato wedges and the bottle of Pepsi. "The pizzas are here, you can now put your rumbling stomach to rest~," Jimin said as he headed to his kitchen to fetch plates and glasses.

"FINALLY!" Seokjin screamed out at he took his two pizzas. And jumped down on the floor and took a piece and a bite. With his mouth full of pizza and mumbled with his mouth full of pizza. "This is delicious,"

"I think the carpet is better, don't you think?" Jimin said as he crossed Jin with the plates and glasses, heading towards his living room. He plugged in his phone to the speakers, playing soft instrumental guitar while he put out the plates and glasses, crossing Jin again as he went to get the big bottle of Pepsi they'd gotten. He also grabbed the potato wedges, which would probably be enough for his dinner.

Seokjin looked at Jimin only taking the potato wedges. "You're only going to eat those?" Seokjin asked as he looked at Jimin. "You should eat healthily," Seokjin smiled as he took another slice holding it.

"Do you have another pepsi?" Seokjin asked as he took a bite from the slice.

"You think I'd finish a 2 litre bottle of Pepsi by myself? Also, don't worry, I'll have cucumbers after the potato wedges and I have my dance class tomorrow anyways." Jimin waved Seokjin over as he sat on the carpeted floor, grabbing a piece of the wedges for himself. Taehyung had already stuffed Jungkook and him before they performed so they were 'full of energy' as he put it. So he wasn't very hungry but he did love potato wedges.

"Eat some pizza," Seokjin said as he looked at Jimin and took a glass signing at the glass. "Pass me the pepsi will you?" Seokjin said as he rested his back against the couch. Listening to the, of course, guitar music that Jimin had turned on.

Jimin pushed the bottle of Pepsi towards Jin before he crawled to his phone. "I don't really know what good dinner music should sound like. But I'm going to try." Jimin nervously went through his playlist. After going through it, he chose to play Meteorite by Years and Years, a song he thoroughly enjoyed because of the relaxing beat and calm vocals. "I'll have a slice later, thanks for the offer. I think I like watching you eat it better."

"Nice song," Seokjin said as Jimin put his phone away. "Do you have somewhere to change? plus clothes," Seokjin said as he smiled putting his pizza box on the table.

"These clothes are chosen on beauty not on comfortable," Seokjin mumbled. "A pity, I should've known."

"You can go to my room or the bathroom or wherever you're comfortable. But hold on, I think I have xxl clothes. Do you think those would fit you? You're incredibly broad. But you know what, I'm sure you'd look good in whatever so why not just choose comfy clothes?" Jimin asked rhetorically as he stood up and headed towards his room, hoping Seokjin would follow.

Seokjin stood up following Jimin, blushing from the compliments. "I'm not that handsome." He said following Jimin into his room nervously standing in the doorframe.

"C-can I sit on the bed?" Seokjin asked, why would he stutter, why again? He thought he had stopped being so nervous around the handsome younger.

Jimin just hummed in response, rummaging through his cupboard. "Yeah make yourself comfortable. Oh btw, if you're uncomfortable sharing the bed, which I usually do with my buds, you can always take the guest room." Finally sighing, he pulled out a hoodie and tossed it on the bed, digging again to find a pair of extra large sweatpants which were left behind by Jungkook probably.

Seokjin would want to sleep with Jimin in the same bed, but he also knew that would be too close. "If you don't mind," Seokjin shrugged a bit as he got a hoodie tossed towards his head.

"Careful." Seokjin grinned as he took the hoodie and ruffled his hand through his hair to make it look a bit better, after having a hoodie tossed to your head that mostly doesn't look the best.

"It's just us, you don't have to look amazing all the time," Jimin chuckled and held out the pair of pants he'd found.

"You can do whatever you like. I don't mind. But for now, I'll go back out to eat, if you don't mind." Jimin winked and headed out of his room, rushing to his wedges again, spreading out on the carpet like a dead seal.

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