Chapter Eleven

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Seokjin tried not to just walk out or push Jimin away as Jimin hugged him. "It's just, seeing you so affectionate," Seokjin sighed at the smaller boy. "It, makes me jealous, even though I know they're your best friends-" Seokjin stopped and looked at Jimin. "Why are you so beautiful, too beautiful to be mad at," Seokjin said. "I just don't want to lose you," Seokjin mumbled at the younger boy. Seokjin held Jimin's face between his hands and moved his lips closer to his lips. "Don't leave me," he whispered to Jimin's lips and then continued to kiss Jimin.

"You're a treasure," Jimin mumbled between each small peck he exchanged with Seokjin, "I'd be a fool... If I even thought of leaving you... I won't leave, I promise," Jimin tightened his hold on Seokjin, trying to convey his earnestness through his embrace and kisses. Seokjin didn't want to lose Jimin? But Jimin was hiding his demons. Would he accept the darkness behind his bright smiles? Jimin briefly broke away to look at Seokjin, cupping his cheek. "You're perfect, Kim Seokjin, so perfect." He spoke low, whispering it for only Seokjin to hear before pulling him into drink in his taste again, moulding their lips together again, letting himself forget everything that wasn't Kim Seokjin.

Seokjin sucked on the soft skin of Jimin's lips as he got interrupted by the other two boys present in that room making an ew noise.

"Yes, we're still here," Jungkook said as he made a throw up movement and Taehyung added "I'm going to throw up, get a room please," Seokjin grinned onto Jimin's lips as he kissed Jimin's nose and smiled.

"I love you Jimin-ah."

Jimin just smiled in response, not wanting to say it back just yet. "Thank you," is all he could manage as he pulled away from Seokjin, his hands lingering slightly before Jimin moved away, turning back to his best friends. He headed back to Jungkook, grabbing a cucumber over his shoulder before going back to the living room.

"I'm going to look over your file, Kookie," he announced. He thought the best way to deal was to leave the situation. He felt bad for not saying it to Seokjin but if he said it now, it wouldn't hold much meaning later. And he wanted his words to be so heavy that Seokjin would cry of joy. So he sat on the sofa as Taehyung followed a bit later, bringing his plate of burnt eggs and a glass of juice and a bowl of fruits, sitting beside him as they went over a list of songs together, deciding which ones Jungkook and Jimin would perform the next time.

Seokjin didn't get an actual response to his I love you, which made him sad, Seokjin didn't say I love you too much so when he said it, it were meaningful words. Seokjin looked at Jimin as he said,

"I'm going to dress up in your room." He walked into the room of Jimin as he opened his phone and checked another text from Namjoon, and a text that he didn't have to work today.

Jimin smiled and nodded, bracing himself internally for the onslaught of questions as Jungkook sandwiched him between himself and Taehyung.

"So..." Jungkook started, wrapping his arm around Jimin.

"Kim Seokjin, huh?" Taehyung finished, wrapping his arm around Jimin's shoulders from the other side.

"I don't know what you guys mean," Jimin started only to be shushed by his friends.

"He's good looking," Jungkook continued, smirking when Jimin glared at him, "and he's tall, good with cooking, clearly caring," Taehyung interjected with, "yeah I saw him yesterday, you should have seen him when you were performing. He was so snatched!" Jimin felt his face bloom in reds as Jungkook continued, "yeah he even tried to teach us cooking so he could have more time with you can you imagine."

"Yeah you should have seen him, he wanted to kill Jungkook when he was back hugging you," Taehyung snickered getting a chuckle in response from Jungkook, "yeah, I felt his death glare. Don't blame him, you're plenty cuddly." Jungkook finished and gave Jimin a brief hug.

"But yeah in the end, all we're here to say is that you should let him in. Don't push him away so soon. I know you're scared, I know you're worried about us repeating. But you need to give it a chance," Taehyung coaxed.

Jimin sighed and pushed their arms off. "I know okay? I'm trying. Give me time. It hasn't even been a full day that I've known him." Jimin mulled over his thoughts by saying them out loud. He'd rather bare his fears in front of his friends than Seokjin. "He doesn't know about my family, he doesn't know that I've run away and I barely scrape by with what I earn. He thinks I'm a star studded person but I'm not even close to the dirt under his shoe." Jimin spoke exasperated and his friends knew better than to say anything. "I'm scared he'll find out how insecure I am about everything and all my other problems. Do you really think he'll want to stay with someone as broken as me?" He sighed at the end of his monologue, laying back on the sofa. "I like him too much already. I'm just giving him time to walk away if he needs to." Jimin quietly said.

"It's your choice Minnie but you should let him decide if he wants to deal with your demons or not. For now, be honest. I can see you're holding back. We'll go. Be a bit selfish, grab him and don't let go." Taehyung said as he stroked Jimin's hair.

"Don't let it repeat. Don't be hurt like that again." Jungkook just squeezed Jimin's knee in reassurance and got up, Taehyung following him as they tidied up their mess and left.

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