Chapter Fourteen

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"Come in Beautiful being!" Namjoon yelled. Seokjin grinned as he took out the keys from his own keyring and opened the door. 

"Hey local genius, how are you Sailor Joon?" Seokjin grinned as he let Jimin in. "Where's my t shirt?" He confronted jumping on Namjoon who sat on the couch.

"Auch," Namjoon groaned as he threw Seokjin on the floor. "I'm watching Gravity Falls, leave me alone."

Jimin raised his eyebrows at the violent display, struggling to open his shoes by the door, still feeling awkward about being in someone else's house for the first time.

"Gravity Falls, huh," Jimin thought out loud, snickering to himself as he quietly entered the house, unsure of how to greet the owner.

Seokjin saw Jimin being quite awkward. "I brought a guest," Seokjin said to Namjoon.

"Is it your boyfriend?" Namjoon grinned as he looked behind him pausing the cartoon. "Hi!" Namjoon waved happily as he turned around again playing his cartoon.

"He isn't my boyfriend," Seokjin said pushing Namjoon. "Where's my t-shirt?" Seokjin asked as he looked at Namjoon who pointed to the table.

"Right there u blind chicken," He said. Seokjin stood up and pulled out his t-shirt changing into the new one.

"Looks good?" Seokjin asked the two boys in the apartment.

Jimin broke into a grin and walked in further, finally fully entering the house. He bowed slightly to Namjoon, "Nice to meet you, my name is Park Jimin, from the string instruments department." Jimin introduced himself slightly awkwardly before turning to Seokjin, seeing whom his eyes immediately softened.

"It looks really cute. But you'd look good in whatever you wear so is asking for my opinion really necessary?" Jimin asked as he sat himself down on the couch, his eyes trained on Seokjin.

"Great point Jimin, you'd even accept a glitter t-shirt a la Eurovision," Seokjin grinned as he walked up to the couch to sit there. "How is your flirt with my neighbor Namjoon?" Seokjin grinned. Knowing that Namjoon had a crazy crush on the neighbor of Seokjin, Also known as Min Yoongi.

"Uh- Let's talk about Mr. Min another time?" Namjoon mumbled. "While he isn't here?" Namjoon signed to Jimin with his hands.

"What's wrong with him knowing? He probably doesn't know my neighbor Min Yoongi, who is loud as fuck but besides that," Seokjin mumbled.

"Min Yoongi is loud? Now that's interesting. I'd say get him to rant about producing and just nod along, he's as easy as that." Jimin laughed looking at Namjoon.

"But yeah I know Min Yoongi. I've known him since before the academy so basically, I've known him the longest out of all the people I know here." Jimin chuckled, "but I won't say anything, my lips are sealed~ also, now that we're talking about him, he's the reason I'd remember this address, Seokjin. I've come to his house before."

To say Seokjin was amused seeing Namjoon's face turning extremely shook. Namjoon had been trying to flirt with Yoongi for about his whole time in the academy.

"Can you talk me more into him?" Namjoon wiggled his eyebrows as he looked at Jimin. Making Seokjin laugh harder than he should.

"I didn't know you knew my neighbor," Seokjin smiled as he was done laughing.

"Yeah, his one and only obsession is composing. And if you're going to talk instruments, piano or harpsichord or something of that sort. Uhh genres, you should talk jazz. He loves jazz and blues and the like. To answer your question Seokjin," he paused to smile at him, "He's one of the few reasons I'm still here. He's like family. So yes, I know him. And for a hella long time too. But Namjoon, he's a cold exterior guy so don't give up. You just need to get through to his soft interior and funnily enough, you won't know when that is so don't give up." Jimin shrugged. He wanted his friend to experience happiness too and if it was with a goof like Namjoon, it'd be perfect. Yoongi was too closed off anyway according to Jimin, maybe Namjoon could bring out another side to him?

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