Chapter Sixteen

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It had been two months officially since Jimin called Seokjin his boyfriend, saying that Jimin loved Seokjin, now they were sitting in Jimin's apartment eating a dinner they made together. With the process of that it included a lot of back hugs and forehead kisses. They were silently eating the food, enjoying to look at each other.

"You're so beautiful," Seokjin mumbled as he smiled to Jimin. "You never talk about your parents," He wondered, "I'd love to meet them."

Jimin swallowed the bit of food he was chewing on, suddenly not that hungry anymore though the food tasted great.

"Yeah about my parents... I'll tell you about them some other time, yeah? Let's finish eating first?" Jimin said, plastering a smile on his face, hoping that Seokjin wouldn't realise the smile was fake.

Seokjin stopped and swallowed his food. "Are you ashamed of me?" Seokjin asked. He tried not to sound emotional or mad. But he looked at Jimin's smile, which was forced, not even close to reaching Jimin's eyes.

Jimin shook his head quickly, there was no way he'd be ashamed of someone like Seokjin. "Of course not Seokjin, that isn't true... I wouldn't have had Yoongi meet you otherwise. I love you," Jimin reassured him, reaching across the table to hold his hand which he noticed was tightly clenched into a fist. He tried smiling again, "believe me Seokjin, I'm not ashamed of you or us and what we have."

"You never talk about your parents," Seokjin mumbled as he got a little more annoyed. "Why?" Seokjin asked Jimin as he looked up. He played around with his food with the fork he held in his right hand, with his left hand he fiddled with his jacket.

"Jimin?" Seokjin asked.

"I don't want to talk about them Seokjin, that's why. You should learn to give a person space and realise when they're uncomfortable," Jimin sneered, reaching for his glass of water, clenching his other hand into a fist as he tried pushing back his bitter memories.

"Just know that I don't speak of them because I'm not comfortable enough to tell you about them yet, okay?" He said coldly, looking back at his food with tired eyes.

Seokjin looked at Jimin. "We're in a relationship where we trust each other I thought." Seokjin sneered back at Jimin. Seokjin now had his fists formed with the anger that was in him. "Jimin you promised me you'd never hide things from me," He said as he looked at his boyfriend.

"I'm not hiding things Seokjin, I refuse to pull out things I've locked away. Everything you need to know about me, I've told you already. Why are you so dissatisfied still?" Jimin huffed and rolled his eyes, "I told you I'm not perfect. I'm not hiding anything, I just don't think this is important enough to be shared and I'm not comfortable enough with you, Seokjin, to tell you. We are in a relationship where we trust each other. I still trust you to pick me up if I fall down but that has nothing to do with this."

"Your parents are the people that raised you how could you lock them away like that?" Seokjin was almost yelling as he stood up. "They are your best ally in life." Seokjin had started to yell as he grabbed his bag from the couch and opened the door.

"I'm leaving," Seokjin said as he walked out throwing the door behind him.

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