Chapter Seven

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Jimin paused in his actions and wondered, was he doing the​ right thing? In reality, he was comfortable with only Taehyung in his bed with him. Jimin was a bit of a cuddler. What if he ended up hugging Seokjin in his sleep? Would he chase the handsome boy away? He hoped not. To push his thoughts away, he shook his head, aggressively chewing on his cucumber instead. He put the utensils on the drying rack and wiped his hands on a towel. Grabbing two more pieces of cucumber, he put the box back in the fridge, heading to his bedroom with the two bottles under his arm.

"I'm back~" he announced once he was sure he was done chewing his cucumbers.

"I'm so tired," Seokjin said. "Oh, I talk in my sleep..." Seokjin mumbled. He wasn't sure what he mostly said in his sleep but he knew he talked sometimes. He hoped today wouldn't be that day, and that he could keep on the hoodie. Seokjin yawned and fell down on the mattress.

"Come here," He said. He realized how weird that must've sounded to Jimin and got red, he kept silent for a couple of moments waiting for Jimin to say something.

Jimin chuckled and put one of the bottles by Jin on the floor. "I'll join you after I change. Now be good and close your eyes or you can watch me, I don't really care either way." Laughing quietly he pulled open his closet, pulling his t-shirt one his head to switch it with a clean loose black sweatshirt. He stepped out of his pants next, slipping on his favourite grey sweatpants. Jimin wasn't really bothered by anyone watching. He was sure he didn't have anything on show that wasn't worth looking at so he chose to flaunt it instead.

Seokjin tried not to look, but how hard that was when he catched a glimpse of Jimin's skinny muscled body. His biceps were beautiful and his torso had a beautiful flat stomach with the deeper pieces in it forming beautiful abs. Seokjin had a hard time trying not to just lay on his side instead of on his back looking at the ceiling, well ceiling, he just looked at Jimin. But at the moment Jimin pulled off his pants Seokjin got a glimpse of Jimin's round butt. Somehow Seokjin had a dirty thought. But he threw it away. He couldn't do such things, yet. "Are you done?" Seokjin asked acting like he took a peek only now. His face was warm and a little red, but he tried to hide it.

Jimin hummed in response as he kicked his closet close, tying the strings together on his sweatpants as he held the hem of the t-shirt between his teeth while he crossed the room to go to the empty side of the bed. After he was done he sat down on the bed and grabbed his bottle, uncapping it, addressing Seokjin before he drank,

"Did you see something you liked? While I was changing?" He smiled and tried not to choke while drinking​ the water

"Maybe," Seokjin said playfully but he couldn't' stop his face from getting red. "But wasn't it your turn to ask a question?" Seokjin said as he took a water bottle, he unscrewed the cap and took a sip.

"Oh right, question. What is your sexuality? If you're uncomfortable, you don't have to." Jimin settled himself against the headboard, a notebook on his lap with a pencil that he usually kept in bed. He didn't know if he was going to write anything yet but he felt better with his writing instruments with him.

"I'm, bisexual? I guess," Seokjin said. "You?" he asked as he took his phone finally reading the text from Namjoon. 'you're not home wyd you donut have friends besides me' Seokjin grinned. 'I do since today bye you're replaced' Seokjin put his phone away looking at Jimin who took out a notebook.

"I'm... Demisexual? But I don't have any gender preferences." Jimin shrugged, smiling. "Ah, I think I left my phone in the living room. I'll be right back." And with that Jimin disappeared to the living room, finding his phone plagued with messages from Taehyung and Jungkook who were asking him what he was thinking taking his new friend home that late at night. He simply replied 'fuck off please' as he headed back to the bedroom and sat under the covers again.

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