Chapter Twenty-two

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Seokjin looked at Jimin as he ordered the pizza's. "Yo Jimin?" Seokjin said not waiting for a response. "I love you," he smiled as he ran towards the younger boy and hugged him tight.

Seokjin looked up as he heard the door open, he hadn't locked it so Yoongi and Namjoon could walk in. Seokjin smiled as he saw the two boys walk in. "I got you a margarita Joon," He smiled as Namjoon nodded in response.

Yoongi quickly made his way next to Jimin and sat down, his head spinning. Jimin was on his phone, texting Taehyung who said he needed to drop by his house for a bit. "Taehyung and Jungkook will come soon. I told them it's the apartment opposite Yoongi's."

"Nice," Seokjin said as he proceeded to sit down to the other side of Jimin laying his arms around Jimin's body. "Have I said I love you too much today," Seokjin asked Jimin. "I feel like I did," Seokjin smiled as he kissed Jimin's ear.

Jimin giggled and shook his head, "never. You need to make up for all the weeks we spent apart. So no, not enough." He turned and buried his head in Seokjin's neck.

"I love you so much," Seokjin mumbled into Jimin's hair as it smelled awful, knowing Jimin probably hadn't showered much the days. "I love you so much Jimin," Seokjin mumbled into his dirty hair. "But your hair is really dirty," he grinned pushing Jimin's head away.

Jimin pouted, nodding. "It would smell worse if I didn't apply dry shampoo every other day like I did," Yoongi said, sympathetically patting Jimin's shoulder.

"But I love you too, a lot~" Jimin said as he tackled Seokjin into a hug and mumbled into the hug, "I'll wash up well tonight before we sleep... And I want to wear your clothes."

"Let's shower together?" Seokjin smirked at Jimin, getting a barfing sound out of Yoongi. "I'm sorry," Seokjin grinned as he looked at Namjoon who was getting a glass of water.

"After dinner, so these boys don't have to worry about us taking too long. Is that better Yoongi?" Jimin laughed, sneaking a glance at him. "Would have been better if you didn't talk about it while sitting next to me but yeah, it's better than before. At least we don't have to see you right after."

"Ahw," Seokjin grinned as he heard a knock on the door. "I guess Taehyung and Jungkook are here," Seokjin grinned. "I bet on the delivery guy," Namjoon said. "Taehyung and Jungkook would get lost," Seokjin agreed.

"Taehyung. He's driven me here tons of times when I lived here with Yoongi." Jimin said from the couch as he pushed himself up and opened the door, to find his two friends on the other side. "We made it~" Taehyung sang as he hugged Jimin tightly for a while before going inside, Jungkook following Taehyung's actions. "I missed Jimin's smile, not gonna lie." Taehyung said as he sat on the carpet, in front of Yoongi. "I missed his voice. He refused to sing till today. Apparently our pays will increase Jimin~ But what about the other place I was telling you about?" Jungkook continued as he also entered the living room.

Jimin shrugged, "I don't know yet. But we should give it a try some time." Jungkook and Jimin had gotten a new job offer which offered a higher pay but also required them to be faced with a completely new and apparently higher class audience with a 'classy' taste as the man had told Jungkook. They had to decide if they would continue in the café and have their innocent fun or move on to the restaurant and earn more there.

"You're going to perform at different places?" Seokjin asked. "Oh I have an announcement too," Seokjin smiled as he stood up. "Some of you know I really love cooking," He smiled. Hearing Namjoon add, "I enjoy tasting it." Seokjin grinned and continued. "And I quit my job at starbucks, and got a job in a restaurant," Seokjin smiled happily as he looked at Jimin. "I wanted to keep it a surprise." He kissed Jimin's lips.

"Congratulations on that, love," Jimin muttered against his lips before pecking him again softly. Taehyung whistled from his place on the floor. "I have an announcement too, but it's not my announcement. And because it's concerning my best friends. Happy first anniversary, Taehyung and Jungkook." Jimin said, patting his friend's shoulders.

"Wait," Seokjin said as he looked up, his eyes big and confused. "You two are-" Seokjin said as he smiled. "Congratulations," Seokjin smiled as he pulled Jimin to him so he sat on his lap.

Taehyung frowned and looked up at Jimin, "it's supposed to be a secret!" He seethed at his best friend, his eyes narrowed into a glare. Jungkook laughed at that and said, "Thanks, we love you too." Jimin smiled and leaned against Seokjin's chest.

"I have something to say," Namjoon mumbled softly as he stood up too. "It's only pointed towards one person here, but I'd like to say it right now, since we're all saying these cute and nice things," Namjoon got really red as he said the words, walking towards Yoongi. "Min Yoongi, I really like you," He said relieving a sigh, his chest moving up and down as he breathed in and out calmly. "Do you want to be my boyfriend? Every moment I am with you, I get so happy," he smiled, "I want that everyday."

Yoongi was dumbstruck. "We... We've only texted each other... I... Are you sure? Me...? I mean. Sure, I don't mind, whatever..." Yoongi looked away to hide his oncoming blush. "He means he'd loved to be called your boyfriend, Namjoon. He really likes you too," Jimin clarified, getting a slap on his arm from Yoongi which was clearly half hearted.

Namjoon breathed out as if a pressure was released from his chest. "I know but- I just have been crushing on you since I moved in," Namjoon said. "I'm sorry," Namjoon mumbled looking at his boyfriend. Sitting down next to him. "I love you?" He said with a questioning voice.

Yoongi looked at him quickly and looked back down, "do you? I... I don't..." Yoongi said honestly before continuing, "you'll have to make me. But I like you. You're good." He shifted to make a bit more space for the person he would now address as his boyfriend.

Namjoon's hand searched for Yoongi's hand on the fabric of Seokjin's couch. As their fingers found each other their heads turned red. The doorbell rang and Namjoon almost jumped up before Seokjin could even take an action. A moment later Namjoon walked in with 13 boxes of Pizza.

"We have like two pizza's for everybody who ordered?" Namjoon asked, while Seokjin raised his hand admitting to his guilt. "Let's EAT!" He yelled through the place as he placed the boxes on the big square coffee table and one by one every box got opened and slowly emptied.

A moment of pure happiness. A thing they all wanted and now it finally was there. Their happiness had arrived and it was beautiful.

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