Chapter One

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Assigned groups. Well partially groups, duos. Seokjin walked to the list to see his name matched with Park Jimin, a guitarist. He looked behind him to search him, but since he didn't really know Jimin he also didn't know what he looked like. He stood in the crowd of girls and boys. Some taller some shorter and as slowly everybody found their partner there were about 5 people left, including, hopefully, Jimin.

Jimin sighed, trying to hold back his smile, as he pushed off Taehyung who was teasing him again, putting his guitar and notes to the side before getting up, dusting himself off as he walked to the board, he was pretty sure that the guy loitering by the list was probably his partner but it didn't hurt to make sure of it himself. So when he approached the guy, he coolly asked,

"So, who are you teamed up with?" While he himself went through the list, his finger following his eyes.

"Park Jimin," Seokjin mumbled as he looked at the smaller boy who asked the question. He was a handsome boy. Seokjin smiled as he silently followed the finger of the smaller boy.

Jimin stopped and turned instead, holding his hand out to the taller male.

"I'm Park Jimin. Guitar. Glad to make your acquaintance..." He turned briefly to the list before looking back at Jin, "Kim Seokjin? Vocalist? I'm looking forward to working with you."

"Same here," Seokjin said. He would have to say the smaller boy looked really good. His hair was unstyled but still looked amazing. Seokjin shook Jimin's hand and smiled. "Nice to meet you, could I get your phone number, it makes it easier to work together."

Jimin laughed, nodding. "Of course. But do you want to sit now and talk about what we're going to do? You don't have any plans right now, do you?" Jimin asked as he unlocked his phone and opened the dialpad before handing it to Jin.

"I don't, I am a very boring person," Seokjin laughed. "I don't have plans often," He said typing in his phone number into Jimin's phone.

"Let's sit there?" Seokjin said as he pointed at the empty circle table, surrounded by couches.

Jimin nodded and waved his hand in the general direction of the couches pointed out earlier. "How about you go ahead and sit? I'll just go get my guitar and notebook? I'm glad you chose a spot away from my friends," Jimin was hoping that his voice wasn't shaky because damn this boy was really handsome. Broad and amazingly handsome. Jimin was sure he might rambling and making zero sense but did anyone have their senses intact around this guy? Jimin was so eager to hear his singing because his voice itself was so melodious, Jimin had to stop himself from smiling too wide at a complete stranger.

"Who are you friends with?" Seokjin said as he looked at Jimin. "You should get your guitar, it's quite useful haha," Jin laughed trying to get this extremely awkward tension out of the way, but that didn't help. It only got more awkward. Seokjin sat down as Jimin walked away to get his guitar and Jin sat down on the couch, taking out his notebooks, one for his lyrics and the other with music lines for composing little things. He wrote for guitar and a little for piano. Seokjin opened his lyrics notebook to find back the lyrics he wrote when he was unsure of his sexuality, almost a year ago already when he fell for Jaehwan, but Seokjin couldn't express his feelings in the best way. Seokjin ruffled with the pages for a new blank one fast and then took out his favorite pen, waiting for Jimin.

Jimin walked to his friends and as his friends made extremely rude noises, he grabbed his guitar and backpack, hightailing it away from his friends as fast as he could.

"I'm sorry, it's those rude ass monkeys I call friends. So, what do you have?" Jimin sat next to Seokjin and started pulling out his notebooks and pens. He had several notebooks, he wrote in all sorts of moods and they all had something or the other, even if just an inkling of an idea. "Do you have any ideas about what you want to do? Themes? Chord progressions? Or even genre?"

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