Chapter Eighteen

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Jimin sat there for a long time. He didn't know how long, but he knew it had been a long time. He felt dried tear streaks on his cheeks and he felt emotionally drained and tired. Realising that Seokjin had left mid dinner, he called Seokjin. The time was 4:21AM as it showed on one of his digital clocks around the apartment but he knew that no matter what the time, Seokjin always picked up. When he didn't pick up is when Jimin felt panic settle in his stomach. Was he going to lose his happiness again? He couldn't let that happen. So he did the next thing he could think of. He drove to Seokjin's place, all the while calling and texting him without relenting. He knocked and knocked on the closed door, receiving no response. He barely unlocked Yoongi's apartment, opened the door and fell onto his carpet, headfirst, silently, unconscious.

The next few days passed by in a blur for him. He didn't eat well neither did he sleep. Yoongi admitted he hadn't gotten any answer from Seokjin and had convinced Jimin to sleep on his couch, instead of sitting in the hallway, waiting for Seokjin. Whenever he ate, he threw up. He couldn't stomach anything while the one he loved had dropped off the face of the planet. He was worried and he was worried sick. There's wasn't a single hour in the day when he wasn't thinking of Seokjin or their times together or sitting in front of his door, waiting and hoping for Seokjin to open up for him.

Seokjin finally got the balls to turn on his phone again. The days that had past were filled with tears. Crying on Namjoon's shoulder. He called sick for the week for his work so he didn't have to get out of Namjoon's house, sitting in Namjoon's room he turned on his phone. He swiped the lock screen seeing his wallpaper, the selfie of Jimin and him when they were to the movies. He knew he had to confront Jimin. He had to tell Jimin that he couldn't do it if Jimin kept things behind from him. He didn't want a relationship where things were being hidden. So he walked out of Namjoon's apartment. Namjoon was at work right now so he wasn't home. He walked through the hallway of the first floor as he unlocked the door of his own place. He opened the door to his bedroom. Where on the bed there was a t-shirt of Jimin. Seokjin threw it against the wall which caused a vase to fall on the floor breaking in thousand pieces. Bad luck, as if he didn't have enough yet.

"I loved you," Seokjin mumbled as he rested his back against the wall.

Jimin put on one of Yoongi's hoodies, if he wasn't going to shower Yoongi was hell bent on at least dressing him cleanly. He walked with tired steps to Seokjin's again. He knocked on the door again, opening his mouth to painfully croak out his name brokenly. He hadn't said a single word in the past few days other than Seokjin's name. He had gone to work and dressed up for those occasions, but he refused to sing. Jungkook had explained to the manager that Jimin was going through a rough patch and he had understood. He had declared holidays for the kids at the academy, it was time for their summer holidays too after all.

Yoongi had tried but for everything, like a broken record beyond repair, Jimin only ever said "Seokjin" with his cracked voice. And now here he was again, calling out for him, knocking on his door, unsure of ever being answered but trusting in his love.

Seokjin heard a knock on the door as he stood up, almost falling because of the lack of energy in his body.

"Who is there?" Seokjin asked, he tried to sound okay, but he wasn't sounding okay at all. He sounded broken. Seokjin opened the door a little and saw Jimin.

Jimin was leaning against the door, his eyes closed but when he heard the door open, his eyes opened, and he looked up, hoping he wasn't dreaming.

"Seokjin..." He said again, as broken as before. He pushed on the door slightly, opening it a bit more, enough to let him in and he grasped at Seokjin's shirt.

"Seokjin?" He asked again, not believing his own eyes as they started dripping his tears he was sure he was done crying. With a whole new wave of emotions hitting him, he embraced Seokjin, and the only thing that left his mouth was still just his name. It was as if this muttering of his lover's name would make everything go back to normal.

"Jimin," Seokjin said as the younger boy embraced him in a hug.

"I'm sorry," Seokjin said as he escaped Jimin's arms, "I can't just yet." He looked at the boy who looked so tired.

"I'm sorry," Seokjin murmured again as he let Jimin in. "I can't forgive you." He let Jimin sit on the couch as he made two cups of tea.

"I'm... Seokjin please..." He pleaded, he didn't know what to say. But if he was going to have to talk about his parents he would go back to getting mad at Seokjin and he didn't want that. He stood up with his shaky legs, swallowing his urge to throw up and walked to the kitchen,

"Seokjin... I can't... I really can't... Please..." He pleaded, he couldn't do much else unless Yoongi came in and explained but Yoongi was away at work, he had an internship at a label now which Jimin had convinced him to take up even with him in this state.

Seokjin wanted to forgive Jimin with all of his heart, but his mind knew he couldn't. "I can't forgive you if you don't explain it to me Jimin," Seokjin said. Hoping that Jimin could explain this to him. He wanted to know it from Jimin. He didn't want to hear it from anyone else than. "I want to hear it from you," Seokjin said as he gave Jimin the tea.

Jimin shook his head as he refused to take the tea, afraid he'd drop the tray. "I really can't Seokjin... I can't tell you about it please don't do this to me... You said you wouldn't hurt me," Jimin managed to say as he sat down again, hugging the extremely loose hoodie to his cold body.

Seokjin promised that, he did, but the promise was made for both of them. "Jimin, Do you realize how much you hurt me these last days?" Seokjin said putting the other tea back on the coffee table. "You made me think of all fun times we had and reminded me that all those times you had secrets for me," Seokjin said. "I want to know them." Seokjin said. "I want to help you with them Jimin."

Jimin shook his head, closing his eyes tightly, "Seokjin no... I have my limits, please don't push them repeatedly like this. Do you think I didn't think about all these times we had? Do you know how many times I came to your door? Do you know how many times I passed out on Yoongi's floor? Do you know how not a single word other than your name left my lips? You don't know the pain I'm already in. If you're going to push me into more pain, I will pull away Seokjin and I don't want to do that but to protect myself, I might..." Jimin sniffled and wiped away at his tears before standing up again.

"Why don't you talk to Yoongi about it... He'll be able to tell you. Because I really can't. I have work soon. Yoongi should be back before I get back. Talk to him, please. I love you and I don't want to lose you." Jimin said, his voice strained. He showed himself to the door, ready to leave Seokjin behind to go to Yoongi's apartment to tidy himself up before his performance.

"Jimin wait," Seokjin stood up and held Jimin's hand. "I want to hear it from you, because I trust you, I love you, I will forgive you, I want you, I want to be with you forever, I want to marry you when we're ready, but I want to hear your troubles, past, present and future," he said as he held Jimin's hand in the hallway.

"I love you Jimin, I truly do."

"I've never uttered a word about that subject because the last time I did, I ended up in the hospital. I love you too, I trust you and I want to be with you for as long as possible but please, this is the one thing I ask you to let go... Please... I love you too but I can't do this..." Jimin smiled sadly and pulled away.

Seokjin looked at Jimin. "Would it be okay if Yoongi was there with us?" Seokjin asked Jimin as he held Jimin's hand tighter. He looked the smaller boy. Seokjin himself was about to cry, he wanted to hear the story. He wanted to know what it was.

Jimin bit his lip, "I can't say it... Just thinking about it has made me go back to my medicines so please, don't make me talk about it Seokjin..." Jimin pleaded as he hugged himself, trying to protect himself from his own toxic thoughts.

Yoongi saw Jimin outside and rushed to him, wrapping an arm around him before looking up and seeing Seokjin. He looked between the two and seeing the shaking Jimin, he sort of knew what had happened. 

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