Chapter Four

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As if Jungkook could feel Jimin tense as soon as Jin laid his head on his shoulder, he slid off the seat and winked at Jimin before trotting off to find Taehyung. "Uh... Yeah okay... Takeout it is. Where... What... Where should we get it from?" Jimin cleared his throat slightly, trying hard to fight the blush that was probably already spreading across his cheeks and neck. He cursed his brains for leaving him as soon as he came in close proximity

Seokjin held his head up again, reminding himself it was an awkward position for Jimin to be in so he looked at Jimin. "Uh, You'd want pizza?" Seokjin mumbled as he fidgeted with the chord of his sweater.

Nodding, Jimin slid out of the booth. "Sure I'll open the app I usually use and you can get us whatever. They'll arrive about 15 minutes after we reach so that'll be easy. Come, let's go home." Jimin stood outside and held his hand out to Seokjin, smiling gently at the tired boy. "You look really tired. I might have some clothes that'll fit you. You should sleep at mine."

"Oh, yes, thank you," Seokjin said, he didn't want to be a bother for Jimin though, he had bothered Jimin enough today already.

"I'm sorry for being such a bother today," Seokjin mumbled as they walked towards Jimin's car. "I've drawn a lot of attention to myself I think," He muttered as he looked at his shoes.

Unlocking his phone, Jimin handed it to Jin, unlocking his car with the keys in his other hand. "I'm sorry, I'm the one who mentioned you. I didn't know you'd feel bothered by it. But don't worry, you're not at all being a bother. You're fun to be around so I'm not complaining at all." Jimin opened his door and got in, pushing his keys in while waiting for Seokjin to sit in the passenger seat.

Seokjin took place in the passenger's seat next to Jimin. Jin took out his own phone and looked at the time. It was a little past 10 and Seokjin realized they only met today. "Do you really- I mean, am I really not a bother to you?" Seokjin asked.

"We only met today..." He said how voice getting more silent as he went on with his sentence.

Jimin turned his key in the ignition, smiling. "Of course not. We might have gotten to know each other today but we've been in the same class. Also, you should stop feeling so formal around me if we're going to get this assignment thing done. And the whole point of it was to make us mingle, right?" Jimin stole a look towards Seokjin, smiling warmly at him before putting the car into reverse and pulling out from the parking. "Go ahead and order something from the pizza place. Also please play something. The aux cord is in."

Seokjin took a look at the pizzas but did have no idea what to choose, he was between Hawaii and salami, and he was extremely hungry.

"C-can I get two?" Seokjin asked. He thought he was being rude now. He probably was, asking for two pizzas. "If not it's fine," Seokjin said with a pushed smile.

"Of course? I didn't think we'd be satisfied with one anyways. Go ahead and order whatever you want, Seokjin, I really don't mind." Jimin waited at the intersection, looking at his mirrors and the road in front of him before smoothly entering the road, driving along smoothly

"Thank you," Jin said as he ordered a salami and Hawaii when he gave the phone back to Jimin and he carefully took the aux cable and played his own favorites playlist, he played the shuffle button and then the first song that came on was 'Hold on, we're going home' by Drake. He was rather happy it wasn't one of the other rap songs in his playlist. But it still was somewhat ironic that they were in the car. He didn't know whether Jimin was as gay as Seokjin himself, but Jimin didn't have to know yet.

Jimin found himself bobbing his head along with the music. "You listen to Drake? I thought you'd be more of a John Legend person. I like this song," Jimin concluded with a grin. He decided to take the long route to his house. Seokjin didn't know, or Jimin hoped he didn't, that Jimin was enjoying himself more than he himself wanted to admit, in the man's presence. So even though they just had music playing between them, Jimin wanted this to go on longer. He didn't even know if Seokjin was comfortable, he didn't seem like it at least.

"I like all genres of music," Seokjin said as he looked at Jimin who felt at ease in the car. Seokjin felt that it was time for him to relax around Jimin since he was going to have to work together more. He breathed out deep and then relaxed his muscles, some exercises he used to do when he felt anxiety coming up. He looked at the road and the next some came on, Really Love, by D'Angelo, a song his friend Namjoon recommended to him. Seokjin smiled at how this song described a bit how Seokjin felt about Jimin.

Jimin's eyebrows raised in surprise, "flamenco, huh... I can't play it that well yet but I'm learning. If I said I like this song, it'll be largely because of the guitar sequence. I'm glad you like music in general, not limiting yourself to genres. I'm into most genres myself. Great minds think alike, yeah?" Jimin chuckled, giving Seokjin a side glance.

"Then again, fools seldom differ. So I wonder which one we are." Shaking his head lightly at his own words, Jimin concentrated on the road again, enjoying the music. How come his friends hadn't heard of this? Especially Taehyung who was into several genres himself. He'd have to explore more, he told himself as he slowed down to stop at a red signal

"You should learn it on the guitar," I could listen to it all the time and look at you. "Maybe I could sing along," Seokjin smiled as he looked at his phone seeing he got a message of his friend Namjoon. He ignored it and looked at Jimin. His side profile was beautiful and Seokjin just sang along with the song.

"All night I wish for you here~" He sang while he didn't pay any more to what Jimin would think of him. He just looked at the driving younger while singing to the song.

"If you're going to sound that good while singing it, I might as well learn it as soon as I can," Jimin confessed. He hadn't ever really heard him singing but he had heard Jungkook praise his voice so he knew that Seokjin would sound good but this was better than he could have imagined. He listened to the notes closely, trying to learn the notes just by hearing and therefore not noticing anything other than the road.

Seokjin looked away from Jimin and then looked at the road, noticing the car almost driving into a traffic sign. "Pay attention," Seokjin said as he took the steering wheel and turning the car on the road again. The next song came on, That's what I like by Bruno Mars. Seokjin smiled as he joined in with Bruno Mars for a duet. Hoping they would almost arrive at Jimin's place.

Jimin chuckled sheepishly. "Sorry, I got distracted..." He turned into the road and Seokjin's voice as the next song came on.

"Hmm... I like Versace on the Floor better. Doesn't it show off your vocals better? The arrangement is good too. Also, I swear I'm a better driver than this. I think I'm just nervous because no one has really heard me sing before other than my squad so yeah." He laughed nervously again, turning again.

"It's fine, just don't crash us," Seokjin grinned as he listened to the song, the next song came on. Feel Good Inc by Gorillaz, probably one of Seokjin's favorite songs.

"Oh this song is one of my favorites," Jin expressed as he danced a little to the beat. He mostly loved the bass in the song, it was catchy and made Jin want to dance, which he was really bad at.

"Oh lord, a classic," Jimin laughed, his fingers tapping on the wheel. "I can imagine why this is a favorite!" They were almost at his house and Jimin couldn't remember if his house was in the right state or not for guests. But if he was to feel comfortable, he had to show all his sides to him. And so Seokjin would have to see the messy house that was his.

"We're almost here," he announced, "let's hope the pizza is not far away either."

"I'm starving," Seokjin said as he stretched his arms and he looked at Jimin the boy. "So I hope it's almost here," Seokjin said as he heard his stomach grumble. "Oh," He laughed off.

Jimin laughed along, "whoops, it is getting late isn't it." He pulled into the driveway, parking his car perfectly out of habit.

"If it takes a while, I do have snacks to keep our stomachs occupied," Jimin suggested, turning the ignition off, reaching behind to grab his bag, resting his hand on the passenger seat's backrest as he stretched.

"Don't give me them, I am notorious for my eating habits." Seokjin grinned. As he opened the door of the car he looked at Jimin, grabbing his bag and stepped out. It was cold outside, and the only thing Seokjin was wearing was a t-shirt and a denim jacket.

"I did not consider that I'd be outside at this time, It's so cold," Seokjin said, finally feeling more comfortable around Jimin.

because our boys did well at BBMAs I'm giving an extra update! from today I'll update every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

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