Chapter Seventeen

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Jimin couldn't even feel bad as he rolled his eyes and threw the leftover food from his plate into the dustbin. He had his limits and he was very adamant when he said he wouldn't talk about them. Yoongi knew and Yoongi had told Taehyung and Jungkook. Jimin had never had to utter a word about his parents and he wasn't going to now even though Seokjin and his relationship was much different from his relationship with the other boys.

Seokjin was about to cry as he walked outside. He didn't look at the road as he bumped into someone. "Oh, Seokjin Hyung?" Seokjin recognized the deep voice but didn't look up as he walked ahead. "What- What is up?" Taehyung said as he held Seokjin by his shoulder. Seokjin just only shook his head in denial. "Is it with Jimin?" Taehyung asked, his voice full of feeling for Seokjin and both Jimin.

"Yes," Seokjin mumbled as looked up with tears in his eyes. "I'm so stupid, help me Taehyung I'm so mad at him but I don't want to be," Seokjin cried out, "I just can't forgive him."

Taehyung held Seokjin's arm. "I will talk to Jimin for you," Taehyung said as he smiled, a sad smile meant to comfort Seokjin.

"You don't have to," Seokjin said as he wiped his tears. "It's fine." Seokjin walked ahead to his own place. It took him 20 minutes to reach home. He was tired when he entered Namjoon's apartment and fell down on the floor crying.

"Jin?" Namjoon said as he hugged the older boy. "What happened?"

"I don't know, I did things wrong, Jimin did too, I just don't know what to do right now, I don't want to talk to him," Seokjin murmured as he laid his head in Namjoon's neck and let the tears out.

Jimin heard the door to his apartment unlock and he sighed as he washed his hands, putting his washed plate on the drying rack, walking towards the door while saying, "You're back? Your head is clearer now is it?" And Taehyung realised something was wrong. "Jimin-ah. It's me. Not Seokjin hyung. He's gone." Taehyung said as he took his seat on the sofa. "He's gone? But that doesn't make any sense, Taehyung. Where would he have gone? Did you see him?"

"I talked to him and he's upset." Taehyung elaborated

"He's upset? He asked me about my parents, he asked me to meet the very reasons I'm here working my ass off to afford my studies and living stressfully every fucking day and he's upset?! Wow isn't that just convenient for him." Jimin scoffed and sat on the couch next to Taehyung. "Did you tell him that?" Taehyung asked, annoyed by Jimin's outburst. "Tell him what? You know I explode and fucking break things every single time I have to talk about those scumbags. You know that I never talk about them. The reason you know about them isn't me, it's Yoongi." Jimin clarified, sneering at Taehyung.

"I'm your friend Park Jimin and he's your boyfriend. There is a difference between the two. You have to yield at some point!" Taehyung burst out at Jimin, his vein strained against his neck as he yelled.

"I don't fucking care Kim Taehyung. I don't care," Jimin coldly said, turning away from Taehyung. "You don't care about what? The house you left when you were 13? Fine! You don't have to. But you should care about the man that put up with you for the past two months and spent every possible moment he could with you. You don't care about him? You're such a fool. You're denying the fact that you're just upset with yourself for letting your anger rein your words whenever your parents come up. But it's also your responsibility, Jimin, to heal the wounds you caused. And Seokjin is very hurt, let me tell you. Don't let him slip away from you. Don't let your feud with your parents get in between you and him, it's not fair on either of you." Taehyung finished, facing Jimin's back. He could still feel the seething anger and he quickly got up, texting Yoongi about Seokjin and asking him to approach him if possible while Taehyung showed himself out of Jimin's apartment, locking it behind him.

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