Chapter Nine

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Seokjin took the seat in front of Jimin and took another bite from the egg he made. "I don't know, my parents don't like me doing this study and they didn't want me to do a cooking study, because it was hard to get somewhere," Seokjin mumbled as he looked at Jimin. "But you know, with you, I'm happy doing anything," Seokjin added.

Jimin stopped eating after swallowing the bit in his mouth. "Wait, your parents don't want you doing this and they didn't want you learning culinary arts? What did they want you to do? Become a doctor or something? God I'm so happy you're here now," Jimin articulated, slightly exasperated by Seokjin's confession. He wrapped his hand around Seokjin's and pulled it up to kiss his knuckles.

"I'm happy doing anything as long as there's you too," he smiled. "But I want you to do whatever makes you the happiest. Like I'm the happiest studying music and dancing."

"My parents are quite strict, I mean we didn't have a lot of money growing up," Seokjin said as he looked at Jimin with a smile. "We worked at my grandma's strawberry farm," he added. "But it's fine," Seokjin looked outside to the blue air and stood up walking to a mirror sitting down in the window, he turned around.

"But you dance?" Seokjin asked taking another bite if his egg.

"You just get more and more intriguing, Kim Seokjin," Jimin smiled fondly at his partner by the window.

"But yeah, I dance. I loved music and I loved to move along with it. So I learnt dancing too. I actually teach dancing at this academy to little kids. Like, kids younger than 10." Jimin said, opening up to him more about himself, now that Seokjin was opening up too.

"That's really cute, I can imagine that," Seokjin grinned looking at Jimin. "Cuties with a Cutie," Seokjin added aa looked to Jimin, now Seokjin was comfortable with Jimin he loosened up a bit, telling more about himself but also being really comfortable in Jimin's place.

"Didn't you say something about your friends getting their breakfast here, Can they not cook for themselves?" Seokjin said standing up with his empty plate and walked to clean it off.

"Cuties with a Cutie. Something only you could come up with. And yeah, my friends they know how to burn food, not cook it. So they come here where they can have safe food made by me." Jimin chuckled, "You saw them yesterday, do you really think they can hold their own?" Jimin went back to eating his plate

"No," Seokjin said grinning while doing the dishes so far, the pan and the plate, "But, why don't you teach them how to do it? I mean they can't come by your place everyday?" Seokjin said with a smile as he dried off the pan putting it back in the cupboard.

"They often bring in takeout too. Which isn't good for them so I invite them over and it's become a habit, I guess? It's been this way for the past few years actually." Jimin shrugged. "I've tried teaching them, oh man did I try. It was a disaster. I'm not doing that for anyone anymore other than my kids," Jimin ended with a laugh.

"Can I teach them? I even taught Namjoon, who couldn't cut an onion, to cook," Seokjin grinned thinking the first time Namjoon helped making food and Seokjin had to prevent him of cutting his fingers. "When are they coming?" Seokjin wondered as he looked to Jimin.

Jimin looked at his phone, "Soon, within half an hour, I'd say. Good luck because I couldn't go for half an hour once, without wanting to knife them. Ask them to fuck off as soon as you find them annoying, please. They don't know when to stop," Jimin laughed fondly. He checked his phone again when it buzzed. "Ah they're leaving now so I'd say give it 8 minutes or so. They'll be here soon."

"I'd love to meet them, protect me from saying stupid things," Seokjin smiled as he walked to Jimin to kiss his cheek. "Wow, so handsome," He mumbled as he walked off with Jimin's empty plate to clean it.

"Hey~ I was going to wash it~" Jimin trailed behind Seokjin. He was so tempted to call him his boyfriend but he didn't want to jump into that because the feelings that were blooming in his chest were so intense that he was almost scared. More than for himself, he wanted this extra time to protect Seokjin. He didn't want to smother Seokjin with his feelings and rush him into things. He was scared he would chase him off and the last time he took things too fast, it ended too fast. But hey, at least Taehyung was still best friends with him. Jimin reaches Seokjin and wraps his arms around his waist, nestling his head on his back.

"I'll keep you company since you won't let me do work," he simply stated, pressing a kiss to his shoulder blade.

Seokjin felt two warm muscled arms around his waist, a soft kiss on his back as he smiled. "Well you could dry this one," Seokjin smiled at Jimin as he turned around kissing Jimin on his forehead. "Yes, that's what I liked to do," He added with the kiss as he smirked.

Jimin smiled, feeling giddy as he reached for the drying cloth. "I will do all of your bidding if you keep showering me with kisses like that," he said pouting slightly as he wiped the plate dry that was waiting for him. "I'd actually like to keep you company even without you doing anything. I want to be around you as much as possible." Jimin confessed, smiling to himself.

"Well that sounds extremely enjoyable, having you around all the time," Seokjin said as he smiled. "But I'd rather shower and go to the toilet in private," He grinned as he kissed Jimin again.

Jimin chuckled and grabbed Seokjin's chin, leaning up to kiss him again, "we'll see," his other hand rested on his neck, pulling him down to kiss him some more. But just as he let himself get his senses lost in Seokjin, the bell rang. Jimin pulled away with an annoying tsk. "I'll kill them." Is all he said before stomping to the main door and opening it, throwing daggers at his friends on the other side. He only received bright smiles in return as they pushed past him to enter the house. 

"Did we interrupt something?" Jungkook said as he dropped his bag on the couch and headed inside.

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