Chapter Twenty-one

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Jimin just silently watched as his boyfriend interacted with his childhood friend, exchanging friendly banter before Yoongi resigns, glaring at Jimin at the end as he stood up. Jimin got up too, immediately wrapping his arm around Jin's waist, worried about him disappearing again though he knew that was irrational.

Yoongi fell into step beside him and smiled at him tenderly and he knew that he had finally, probably, achieved the happiness he had been looking for since all those years ago. He was surrounded by three amazing friends who wouldn't leave his side and a wonderful boyfriend who he knew would never leave him.

Seokjin looked back at Jimin as they walked out the cafe together but then got an idea. "Wait!" He yelled running back into the cafe to get Taehyung and Jungkook. "Taehyung! Jungkook!" Seokjin said as he reached the two boys. "Let's have dinner together at my place," Seokjin smiled. "It'll be fun!" He said with a smile.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung with raised eyebrows and shrugged, "I don't see why not, especially if there's free food and hanging out with cool people" he said, nudging Taehyung who laughed and nodded, "let me clock out first," he said and broke away from the group.

Jimin entered the restaurant and winked at Jungkook as he wrapped his arm around Jin, "love is in the air, isn't it Jungkook?" He slyly said, laughing when he saw his friend blush while grumbling, "don't say anything useless, Jimin."

Taehyung joined them within a couple of minutes and Jimin turned Seokjin around, gesturing to Jungkook and Taehyung to follow. Yoongi watched on unamused.

"We're all having dinner together? /You're/ all having dinner together. Spare me," Yoongi said as he unlocked his car, watching Jungkook and Taehyung go to Taehyung's car, Jimin taking the passenger seat in his car. "No, we're all having dinner together. Six of us. You'll call Namjoon too, right Seokjin?" Jimin asked and looked at Seokjin pointedly.

"Namjoon? Why him?" Yoongi asked, nervously

"Because he's also an important friend." Jimin said finally and patted his shoulder as Yoongi pulled out of the parking.

"Jimin aren't you going to sit next to me?" Seokjin asked Jimin who took the passenger seat while Seokjin took the backseat. He made a sad face.

"Sailor Joon, is invited because he's my best friend and kept me alive, else I wouldn't have been here," Seokjin grinned as he smiled at Yoongi. "Or for causing awkwardness," He smiled sneakily. "We need to pass by the grocery store though, I miss some ingredients," Seokjin mumbled as he thought how much he had at home.

Jimin chuckled and looked at Seokjin, "I'll sleep next to you, so let me sit next to Yoongi at least while he drives," he finished while wiggling his eyebrows, getting a smack on his chest from Yoongi, "Stop being disgusting."

Jimin retorted with, "stop being depressing," but he bit his lip and shut up when he saw the hurt look on Yoongi's face, which told him he'd crossed the line.

"I didn't say that to you these past few weeks but okay." Yoongi sighed and turned to go towards the grocery store. "It's your house, invite who you want," is all he said before driving silently.

"Yoongi stop being a mood breaker," Seokjin said as he took out his phone writing down what he still needed for the dinner he wanted to make. "We could also order 10 pizza's, that seems easier." Seokjin mumbled as he looked at the list of ingredients.

"It would also be reminiscent, don't you agree?" Jimin asked Seokjin as he watched Yoongi's face slowly soften.

Yoongi finally muttered, "if it's pizza I'm in..."

"Pizza it is," Seokjin said writing down Jimin's and Namjoon's favorite pizza for the list of pizza, he wrote hawaii for himself and then looked at Yoongi.

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