Chapter Twenty

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As soon as they arrived at the café Seokjin stormed out opening the door to the cafe hearing Jimin's angelic voice fill the café. Seokjin didn't really care that he would interrupt Jimin's performance and ran up to Jimin.

"I'm so sorry," Seokjin whispered as Jimin stopped singing. He hugged Jimin extremely tight and looked Jimin in the eyes, "please forgive me."

Jimin was struck dumb. Jungkook quickly recovered and asked everyone to go back to their food, assuring them that they'd come back after a break. Taking that as a cue, the lights around Jimin, Jungkook and Jin dimmed. Jungkook got up and raced to the manager to explain the situation who nodded grimly. Jimin pulled away and asked him, "Did you... Did you talk to Yoongi?" His eyes were refusing to look at Seokjin, he didn't know why he was scared but he was and he gripped on to his shirt desperately with one hand as he switched off the mic and pushed it away along with the guitar.

"I did," Seokjin said. "And I'm so sorry," Seokjin continued, "I didn't want to hurt you." Seokjin took Jimin's chin in his iconic holding between thumb and index finger, so Jimin would look at him. "I love you so much, I never wanted to hurt you," Seokjin said as he tried to smile at Jimin.

Jimin flinched but smiled, "Yeah thanks..." He looked at the door where he saw Yoongi come in from, "Uh why don't you... Take a seat or something. I'll... I'll talk to you after my shift? Please? I need some time..." Jimin bit his lip and looked down.

"Please Seokjin, I beg you... I need some time to register the fact that you know and... That you won't walk away..." Jimin smiled weakly.

"Yes of course," Seokjin said as he took a seat and waited. He called for Taehyung to get him a drink. "Get me the drink you made the first time I came here," Seokjin mumbled as he opened his phone, 4 texts from Namjoon. 'Where are you?' 'I repeat where are you?' 'Seokjin... where are you?' 'Reply you headass.' Seokjin typed fast. 'O'm un thw cafr whrre jumin workds,' and send it before checking it, waiting for Jimin's shift to be over.

Taehyung brought the drink and sat in front of Seokjin, beside Yoongi. "Don't worry, you guys will be fine." Is all he said before heading off again as Jimin and Jungkook started performing again, going back to performing songs which didn't need Jimin to sing because they both knew if he sang, everything would go downhill and they'd be fired.

Seokjin listened to Jimin playing the guitar peacefully avoiding to look at Jimin, because that would make Jimin uncomfortable so he just stared at his drink while waiting for the time to pass by. Seokjin asked Taehyung to come to him for a second.

"Do you really think we'll be okay?" Seokjin asked Taehyung looking up to the standing waiter.

Taehyung nodded and hummed in agreement. "Yeah, why, do you not think so?" He stood there drumming his fingers on the back of his empty tray.

"I don't know, I just feel like I did so much wrong," Seokjin mumbled as he took a sip from his drink. "I'll wait till he talks to me,"

"Yeah don't assume much. He's a bigger person than that. He loves you a lot, Seokjin, believe that love of his." Taehyung said and patted his shoulder before going back to work.

"I will," Seokjin said, still unsure but knowing he should stop worrying now. All of Jimin's friends so far had said that Jimin would forgive him. And he hoped so. He really wanted Jimin back.

Jimin sighed loudly when the shift finished. He was scared. He didn't know why but he was scared. Was it because he loved Seokjin so much? All these days without him were torture to Jimin, almost worse than being without Yoongi in Busan. But he put away his guitar with effort and in the dim lighting, he made way to the booth where he saw Taehyung casually hovering throughout his shift. As soon as he reached, he slipped in and wrapped both his arms around Seokjin.

"I love you... Please don't apologise, just... Just don't go away ever again... I'm so sorry," Jimin spoke into the material of Seokjin's shirt, crying into it now that he had his safe haven back.

"It's okay," Seokjin said as he embraced his arms around Jimin's smaller body. "I missed you," Seokjin told as he held Jimin's face in his hands kissing his lips long and affectionate.

"I love you," he said. "so Much,"

"I missed you a lot too," Jimin said, sniffling as he pulled away from the kiss briefly before pulling Seokjin in again to kiss him, one of his hands on the back of his neck, the other on his back as he let his senses hone in on only Seokjin.

Seokjin could cry right now. But he wouldn't. He looked at Jimin who sat down next to him. "But, you should really visit my parents," Seokjin said as he smiled. "They're really nice," Seokjin said with a smile. "You'll love them and they'll love you," He continued kissing Jimin on his nose. "Cute," Seokjin mumbled with a smile as he saw how Jimin smiled.

"Do they know about me? Are you sure you want to go back?" Jimin was worried but right now he was just happy to be surrounded in the warmth of the one person he'd wanted to be with for the past so many days.

"My parents aren't happy with my study, but they got over it, because they know I'm happy," Seokjin said as he smiled at the smaller boy. His crooked fingers searched for Jimin's perfect small hands again feeling the trusted touch again. "Let's go home."

"Yours or mine? I mean... We both came here with Yoongi though, right?" Jimin giggled as he sneaked a look at Yoongi who was sitting across them but curled away in the corner, headphones stuck in and phone in front of his face. "We'll have to get him to drop us at yours then." Jimin decided and pecked Seokjin's lips, interlacing their fingers before whispering, "I missed calling you beautiful. You're beautiful and perfect, Kim Seokjin."

"My place," Seokjin said, he continued, "that seems the easiest." He smiled at his boyfriend. "I'm happy to call you mine," Seokjin said as he held Jimin by his waist and kissed his soft plump lips.

"I'm lucky you call me yours," Jimin admitted, sighing happily as he rested his head on Seokjin's shoulders.

"You didn't eat well did you? You've clearly lost a lot of weight..." Jimin kissed Seokjin's neck chastely before resting against his shoulder again. "I'll feed you again. We need to look healthy when we meet your parents, don't you agree?"

"We should," Seokjin said. "Otherwise we'll have to take 5 pies with us home," Seokjin grinned. "Although, there's no reason to complain, my mom bakes amazing pies." He said as he kissed Jimin's cheek.

"I'm going to ask Yoongi to bring us home," Seokjin said as he walked to Yoongi.

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