Chapter Six

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Seokjin pulled off his t-shirt, but he somehow knew himself, he would magically always pull of a t-shirt in the night. Afraid of waking up shirtless next to Jimin, but at the same time, Seokjin didn't mind that. It'd feel good to have Jimin's body against his. He pulled on the hoodie, which was an XXL, Seokjin normally wore M and L t shirts so he felt really comfortable in the hoodie throwing off his distressed jeans and putting on the sweatpants, which were a little short for Seokjin, they came just above his ankles, so he tried pulling them down, which didn't work. "The pants are too short!" Seokjin called Jimin out walking into the living room, finding Jimin laying on the carpet like a dead seal.

"I'm gonna join you." Seokjin grinned laying down next to Jimin. He used to do this a lot with Namjoon, and then they would talk about the most random things. "Is there somebody you have a crush on?" Seokjin wondered. Wrong question Kim, you're really being so smart today. Not.

Did he figure it out? Was Jimin so transparent? Even his students at the academy had asked him if he was texting his girlfriend when he gathered them round after the break. But he had to say something to the person laying next to him, waiting for an answer. Jimin lazily rolled over to face Seokjin.

"I haven't had one for the past couple of years but I might be developing one," goddamn it Jimin, "but I'm not sure yet." How fucking smart, Park Jimin. As he looked at Seokjin, he realised it more and more. "How fucking handsome can someone get..." He wondered. He looked like a sculpture brought to life. He rolled his eyes and sat up and stuffed his face with food again.

Seokjin mumbled something and lost his hopes when Jimin said he didn't have a crush. Who would he be developing a crush on? Seokjin was still lying down on the floor as Jimin got his food.

"Get me a slice of pizza Jimin," Seokjin asked nicely as he laid down. He did have a crush, he developed one today, and already was going to sleep with him in the same bed. He turned around, his eyes facing the fabric of the carpet. Avoiding that Jimin would see him get as red as he was becoming now.

"If you're facing the carpet, giving it those many loving glances, how am I supposed to give you your slice? Turn around. I thought we were going to end up playing 20 questions or something. So you should answer too. Who do you have a crush on?" Jimin was praying he would say no one but then how could someone like Seokjin ever like him? He was literally ethereal. Jimin tore two slices of pizza, deciding to have one himself while he waited to give Seokjin his own. He didn't know why he was getting so agitated and flustered around him but at least he was trying to keep his cool and it seemed to be working... so far...

"Uh, I only asked if you had a crush, not who," Seokjin tried to get away with it. "I do have a crush," Seokjin mumbled it as he accepted the pizza from Jimin. "It's someone met recently," Seokjin smiled, as he would smile the way when somebody thinks of their significant other.

"Okay, but if we're going to do 20 questions, your favorite cocktail?" Seokjin asked, he was notorious in making cocktails, he once worked at a bar as bartender but stopped when he started to study, nights were too tiring so he went to starbucks.

Jimin nodded, simply saying, "ah... I see..." He bit his lip to refrain from letting his frown form. He wanted to know who made him smile like that, he wanted it to be him he directed that smile at but Jimin couldn't really say anything this early on, could he? So he instead focused on the next question. Cocktail? There was no doubt.

"Long island. Once you have it, nothing else can make you as drunk. What about you?" Jimin plastered on a smile quickly, hoping to hide his previous little heartache.

"I am not really an alcohol person, my tolerance isn't high at all, I just like making cocktails, I used to work at a bar," Seokjin smiled as he looked at Jimin and took a bite of his pizza.

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