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here's 8k as a loving present for making it through this story

"Jimin, come on!" Seokjin said as he threw on his jacket waiting for Jimin at the door of his apartment. Still the same complex, still living under Namjoon and next to Yoongi. Seokjin clapped his hands so Jimin would speed up. "We will miss our train," Seokjin groaned as he looked at his boyfriend who was still doing his hair. Seokjin walked to the smaller boy and ruffled his hair. "You look great now come on," Seokjin said as he took Jimin's jacket and pulled Jimin in the hallway by his arm.

"You're terrible. I'm meeting your parents!! I need to look amazing. Better than I've ever looked. You're spoiling it now," Jimin whined as he grabbed his backpack with the hand that wasn't occupied by his boyfriend. "Also, we have an hour and a half till the train leaves. Don't give me that. It'll take us barely half an hour to get to the train station."Jimin continued grumbling as he tried to fix his hair, his other arm still being tugged on by Seokjin.

"I just want to see them again," Seokjin whined as he smiled at Jimin. "And you look amazing to be honest," he added with a wink to Jimin. "O flashback to a year ago," Seokjin laughed. "Wow you're so beautiful, at the most random moments," he grinned as they walked through the streets of Seoul to the train station.

Jimin couldn't help but laugh at that little bit, "yeah, we still say that though. Which is why, I'm going to still hope I look good enough because to you," he looked at Seokjin, "I always look good and to me, you always look divine." He grinned and kept on marching forward, keeping a tight grip on Seokjin to not lose him in the busy streets.

"Okay, you're right," Seokjin grinned as he gave Jimin's cheek a peck. "But my parents will love you, I'm 100% sure," Seokjin smiled as he opened his own bag searching for his phone. "My Mom texted me," He announced as he opened the texting application and read the text. "Dress up warm boys!" Seokjin read from his phone. "Did you?" Seokjin asked Jimin with a peck on Jimin's nose.

"I always have you to cuddle up with and steal warmth from if I'm not warm enough," Jimin said simply, turning a corner on their route to the station. "Yoongi is momming me too from Namjoon's apartment. Can you ask Namjoon to put him to sleep?" Jimin asked giggling as he looked at his own texts from his friends.

"Yoongi will roast Namjoon," Seokjin mumbled as he still texted Namjoon, "but then seconds later he will smile and hug Namjoon." Which has happened a couple times before. 'Yoongi is momming Jimin, go to bed together or smth.' Seokjin pressed send as he showed his phone to Jimin.

Jimin laughed, swinging their arms slightly, "you made it sound like it's a bad thing, he's going to roast my ass off next time I ask him to use the studio." He yawned and pulled Seokjin harder to make him walk faster, "I need my morning coffee... Let's go faster!"

"Okay!" Seokjin said as he got pulled through the street by the smaller boy. He admired the way the big warm jacket looked on Jimin. It made Jimin look like a penguin.

"You look like a penguin," Seokjin grinned as he catched up on Jimin, Seokjin pulling Jimin's beanie down pressing a kiss on his lips again, "as you just said, we still have one and a half hour, minus ten minutes now."

He let comment about him looking like a penguin slide because he knew it meant he looked cute. "But I'm cold and I need coffee..." Jimin whined, pulling himself closer to his boyfriend, pouting his lips out, unconsciously wanting another kiss. He still hadn't gotten used to the addictive thrill of kissing Seokjin, he still wasn't used to the butterflies that fluttered inside him when he was embracing Seokjin and truth be told, he wasn't ready to get used to it. Not now, not ever.

"I know you do," Seokjin smiled as he gave Jimin a kiss on his pouting lips. He loved giving Jimin these little signs of affection. In the distance Seokjin could already see the train station. "We're getting closer to your coffee," Seokjin grinned as he got pulled through the streets by Jimin.

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