Chapter Ten

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"Did we interrupt something?" Jungkook said as he dropped his bag on the couch and headed inside. "Oh... Hello, Kim Seokjin, right?" Jungkook said, smiling amicably, Taehyung following shortly after, waving at the broader man in the kitchen.

"Jimin lets you enter his kitchen?" Taehyung asked surprised.

"Yeah. He knows what he's doing, unlike you idiots. And he's offered to teach you two, so you can stop bugging me," Jimin said as he stood near Seokjin, smiling sweetly at them.

"You're right, ehh," Seokjin ended with a mumble. "Jungkook am I right?" Seokjin added with a smile while Seokjin's fingers searched for Jimin's fingers to hold them. "I mean, I can't disagree that I cook good," Seokjin smiled as he looked at the two boys.

"And you're Taehyung if I remember?" Seokjin looked at the other handsome boy, who gave him a drink yesterday.

Taehyung nodded excitedly, his hands on Jungkook's shoulders as he watched the two, turning to wiggle his eyebrows at Jimin.

"Don't say a word Taehyung, if it's going to be teasing," Jimin warned as he laced his fingers with Seokjin's.

"It's nice to see you open yourself to someone in this way, Jimin, that's all," Jungkook assured him.

"Did you have sex already?" Taehyung asked, grinning. He knew Jimin wouldn't hurt him because he was using Jungkook as a shield.

"No we didn't. I swear to God, you two are the most embarrassing people in my life. Seokjin, I already want to kick them out. You?" Jimin said as he looked up at him.

"Hey! Unfair! We're hungry you know? And we depend on you," Taehyung constantly whined while Jungkook giggled, Jimin ignoring both of them as he let his eyes drink in Seokjin again. "God you're so beautiful," Jimin muttered again, not caring if everyone in the room heard it.

"Well, I mean if you'd try learning how to cook you didn't depend on Jimin, because I'm going to claim him for a lot of time," Seokjin said as he looked at Jimin as he blushed at the last comment of Jimin, acting as if he didn't hear it. "But, you know, whatever," Seokjin grinned as he turned to Jimin and whispered something.

"You should like, maybe, by accident, burn their food," Seokjin said. "If they're this annoying." Looking at Jimin for his reaction on his comment.

"Not fair!" Taehyung continued to whine as Jimin smirked in response to Seokjin, nodding.

"I know that smirk. What are you thinking Jimin..." Jungkook said as he narrowed his eyes at his friend. "But hey, I'm ready to try learning, if it means it'll make Minnie happy even though that means we won't get to see him as much," Jungkook addressed Seokjin this time, smiling confidently at him.

"But I like coming here in the morning..." Taehyung mumbled, his hands falling off of Jungkook's shoulders in defeat. "But yeah, if it makes Jiminnie happy~" Taehyung sang, skipping over to Jimin and nudging him, which only earned him an unforgiving slap on his chest from his friend.

"Well, I even got my friend Namjoon to cook, so It's doable," Seokjin said as he took out eggs and two pans. "Chef Kim is going to teach you how to cook," Seokjin said. "Let's start with a basic, egg," Seokjin said as he looked at the two boys.

Jungkook's eyes widened as he saw the two pans. "Do... Do you want us to... Like... Stand next to you...? And like... Try?" He sounded so incredulous, Jimin threw his head back, one of his hands covering his mouth as he laughed for a while before reaching forward to grab Jungkook by his sleeve, pulling him in front of the stove. He positioned his friend at a safe distance from the fire.

"Here. Learn from chef Kim Seokjin now." He spoke lowly as he patted his shoulder.

"Please learn quickly and fuck off. You interrupted us at a bad time." Jimin stated to which Jungkook just simply replied, "yeah your lips are swollen and when you opened the door you were​red. We know you guys were making out, we're not that dumb Minnie."

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