Chapter Three

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Smiling at the encouraging audience, Jungkook and Jimin shared a brief glance before Jimin leaned forward to harmonise with him, his voice melding in well with Jungkook's, something he didn't show anyone in the city other than his friends. He closed his eyes, his fingers still plucking away as he continued to sing a duet with one of his closest friends, one of his other closest friends hyping them up from the audience. Going back to serving, Taehyung saw Jin at the window, pausing his activities to go out and invite Jin inside, asking him not to worry about the two boys performing.

Seokjin stood outside and then somebody walked out approaching him. "You're the guy who worked with Jimin today right? for that assignment?" The boy said. Seokjin looked at him.

"U-uh, yeh," Seokjin said as he looked at the boy. And followed him into the cafe.

Jimin leaned back in his chair, reaching out to grab the glass Taehyung had brought for him for his break. Jungkook slid off his stool and headed towards the back while Taehyung gestured a certain table out to Jimin towards which Jimin headed, leaving his guitar behind, thanking the patrons who complimented him.

"Hi Seokjin," Jimin said as he finally reached the booth where Jin sat.

"Hi Jimin," Seokjin said. He was nervous. He looked at the pretty boy he had only met today but already had more contact with that he had with a good friend.

Sitting down across his new friend, he smiled. "Is this your first time here? I can ask Taehyung to bring something over. Also, how did you come here? I could drive us back to my place?" Jimin was nervous to show this side of himself so soon to Jin. He wasn't known for his singing in the academy, no matter how much his friends loved it. And now that Jin was here, he would get to hear it if he hadn't already. Jimin downed a bit more of his drink

"I went with me and my legs," Jin said as he smiled awkwardly. "I'm not that thirsty..." Seokjin looked to his shoes.

His eyes widened. "Walking? Then you don't mind if I treat you here, I hope." Jimin called over Taehyung and asked him to whip up Jimin's favourite smoothie for Jin.

"You'll like it, I'm sure. Don't worry, you can be yourself here. This is... My area, I guess you could say. So you're safe here. But I'll get going, I need to perform again." With one last smile, Jimin got up and went back to his stool, glad that Jungkook was also coming back.

"Oh yeh," Seokjin said as he smiled at Jimin walking to his stool. He looked at Taehyung who gave him a drink and thanked him. And then looked at Jimin who was ready to perform.

Jimin nervously took his seat, the room going quiet all of a sudden. He barely registered Jungkook announcing the duet they were supposed to be doing next but on the gentle tapping of Jungkook's fingers on his knees brings him back and his eyes focus on Jin. Although he was nervous to have Jin hear him, he also found strength in Jin sitting there. So when he adjusted the guitar and started playing the notes, they sounded much more confident than he was expecting. When his lips parted to sing, his voice wasn't hesitant and he hit the notes he needed to without a hitch. Their voices along with the strings moulded into a soft melodious harmony which he found the whole room swaying to. He shifted forward in his seat as Jungkook quieted down to let him sing his verse, his soft voice flowing into the mic before him. He knew his slightly raspy voice held more emotions than his face usually held and he was glad he could show it all off to Jin.

Jimin sounded amazing, like 100 times better than Seokjin thought he would ever sound, Jimin had a beautiful voice that felt like it surrounded the whole room and Seokjin didn't even realize when his mouth fell open, he was notorious for his guitar play in the academy, Seokjin knew that but Jimin's voice was amazing, they should include it in the song they had to do. They had to.

Jimin opened his eyes once Jungkook started singing again, a blissful smile crinkling his eyes close again as he continued to play the guitar. By now, the audience was clapping along with them, humming the tune. Jungkook's voice wrapped up the song within another minute. Taking this as his chance, Jimin tapped on the mic in front of him to get the attention of the crowd again.

"Tonight, I have an important, though unexpected, guest in here. I'm glad I got to sing this song in front of him. I look forward to you, Kim Seokjin." Jimin finished his little speech, looking straight at his new friend. Jungkook teased him from beside him but before long, the two delved into the next song which also happened to be a duet.

Seokjin felt his face becoming warm and red as Jimin dedicated the song to him. He sort of hid himself in a little corner of the cafe where he could see Jimin well, he looked at the boy while he was performing with his raspy voice and he looked so good.

Jimin and Jungkook finished the night without any mishaps and the manager let Jimin and Jungkook hang around till later though they finished earlier than they were supposed to. So as soon as he could, Jimin ended up going to Jin's booth, slipping in quickly as Jungkook waited to go home with Taehyung who had gone to clock out. Jungkook sat next to Jimin on the edge of the seat, greeting his other classmate politely before turning outwards and waiting. Jimin knew he couldn't talk about their assignment so he stuck to, "So Seokjin... How was our performance?"

"It was really good," Seokjin said with a genuine smile, he looked at the smaller boy. "Shall we- uh, go to your place?" Seokjin stuttered, oh god how he hated that. He hated himself for stuttering so much and getting red so easily.

Jimin nodded but gestured to the back of the boy next to him. "We'll leave in a bit, okay? I hope you enjoyed the drink. Do you still want to cook at mine or get takeout?" Jimin clutched the seat in his hand as he rocked back and ​forth.

Seokjin yawned, he was tired. "Takeout," He mumbled with his tired voice and smiled at Jimin. "I'm tired," Seokjin said as he without thinking laid his head down on Jimin's shoulder.

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