Chapter Fifteen

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Yoongi had to hold off his scoff while he greeted Namjoon with a soft hello and turned back to glare at Jimin, "this is why you want me to bring them? Because you're buddy buddy with my neighbour?"

Jimin pulled away and sighed, "listen Yoongi, I know what I'm doing. I know you're worried about me but I'll be fine!" Jimin assured Yoongi who was anything but relieved, "You're saying that now. I'll be the one picking up the trash in your living room and pushing you into the shower if anything goes wrong this time. I'm warning you now, Minnie, be careful where you tread." Yoongi spoke with an edge.

Jimin bit his lip before saying, "He's my boyfriend, okay? You don't have to deal with me if you don't want to. I'll be fine because Seokjin isn't going to hurt me. He loves me just like I love him, okay? So stop throwing words around carelessly like that. Just say that you'll come to my workplace with these two." Jimin was close to grabbing Yoongi by his collar but he tightened his hand around Seokjin's instead, trying to calm down.

Yoongi broke into a smile and nodded, "I was waiting to hear that. Okay I'll drive you guys but I'm going to have dinner there. You guys?" He turned to look at Seokjin and Namjoon, ignoring the way Jimin fell against Seokjin, relieved to have his friend heel to his will.

Seokjin got shocked. Jimin said he loved him. The words that were so troubled to say for Jimin first now were said. And it was also that he was his boyfriend. Seokjin held Jimin's hand stronger.

"You should get going now Jimin," Seokjin said as he smiled at his, now, boyfriend.

Jimin was shaking inside. Taking a deep breath, he nodded and turned around, kissing Seokjin briefly before turning to Yoongi.

"You better bring them, you asshole," he growled, before leaving the apartment, pulling out his phone to text Jungkook to say he'll be at the venue in 45 minutes and that he'd pick Jungkook up so he should be ready in half an hour. He knew Yoongi would be the one who'd definitely coax him out of his shell by attacking it ruthlessly like he usually did. He was just mad now that he had said it and that now there was no turning back and there was no room for second thoughts.

He had to accept that he had said it while he was riled up and though he often said things he didn't mean but with Yoongi he'd always been honest so he knew that everything he said back there, he meant it all and hell; now that Yoongi was left alone with them, Yoongi would tell them that all Jimin said was true and now he really would have no way of turning back and staying safe in his cocoon but honestly, he knew it all along. Even if Seokjin didn't hear it from him, Jimin still felt it, it would have made no difference, Jimin was too far gone already. And before he could register anything else, he was home.

lovely short chapter people

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