Chapter Eight

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Stirring slightly in his sleep, Jimin opened his eyes, surprised to see he was wrapped around Seokjin like a koala and that he hadn't been pushed away. Slowly, he pulled away, running his hands through his hair as he did, gently plucking Seokjin's hand off of him.

Seokjin was sleeping tightly as he felt somebody touching his hand, he didn't bother to care but slowly woke up, in a soft sleepiness he opened his eyes, rubbing them and then noticing that Jimin was there in front of him.

"Oh shit," Seokjin said. "Wait no, I remember," Seokjin grinned at his own stupid mistake and looked at Jimin. "Did you sleep okay?" Seokjin asked the younger boy as he looked out of the window, it was sunny outside and there were barely clouds in the sky.

Jimin nodded. "I slept really well. I have a cuddling habit so when I realised you have one too, I felt so lucky and giddy, you'd can't imagine. Also, I didn't do this last night because you were sleeping but you were unconsciously asking for it so," Jimin paused and cradled Seokjin's cheek in his hand as he swiftly moved closer to peck his lips. "You wanted to kiss me?" He pecked his lips again and finally pulled away to look at Seokjin.

Seokjin turned so red, he hadn't turned this red in ages. He knew he talked in his sleep but did his sleeping him just ask out a boy better than he did when he was conscious? "Well, asleep or awake, both ways I'd love it if you'd kiss me," Seokjin knew that there was no turning back but he kissed Jimin back. When he broke the kiss Seokjin looked at Jimin.

"We should get to eat breakfast, and maybe work on the project?" Seokjin smiled. He was genuinely happy to be around Jimin. And now that Jimin liked him back, it was even better. Seokjin stood up and when he looked in the mirror he was shirtless.

"You're pretty toned for someone who only takes walks in the forest," Jimin commented as he tidied his bed up, watching Seokjin frown at himself in the mirror. "You're a living sculpture, seriously." Jimin chuckled as he put everything back in place.

"We should go warm up the pizza from last night unless you're not feeling up for pizza. I'll cook eggs instead if you want," Jimin was flustered and there were probably elephants marching in his stomach because of how happy and elated he had become.

"Thank you," Seokjin smiled as he wanted to take a tshirt but realized he had none because he wasn't home. "Do you have M sized tshirts Jimin?" Seokjin asked as he looked at Jimin, still shirtless.

"It's too hot for the hoodie," Seokjin smiled softly as he looked at Jimin. Jimin's hair was a bit messy but it was extremely cute. His lips were plump and his face was a little swollen, but he still looked so amazing to Seokjin.

Jimin looked up from where he'd taken his seat on the floor next to his bed. "Huh? M? There should be some on the second rack on the left. Single coloured..." Jimin went back to reading his older works, smiling at his own amateuristic words. He felt much better now that he had kissed Seokjin. Was he waiting to do that for all this while? He didn't know but he was going to welcome whatever happened with Seokjin henceforth. He seemed like a godsend right now.

Seokjin saw Jimin reading his own lyrics as he sneaked up behind him to wrap his strong arms around his waist, giving Jimin a kiss on his jawline.

"You're beautiful," Seokjin whispered. "I thought you should know that," He added with a smile.

Jimin grinned, his face turning red at an alarming rate, "Ahh... Why are you like this..." He whined loudly before turning around to look at him, "but should you really be saying that?" Jimin really found Seokjin handsome and he wasn't going to shut up about it anytime soon. His eyes softened, "you're so beautiful... I literally can't believe you're real," he finally confessed, sighing in defeat.

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