Meeting you

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      "ALICE GET READY, WERE LEAVING IN 20!" Her mom yelled at her all the way upstairs. 
      "OKAY MOM!" She yelled back. Okay from the beginning.
Hi, my name is Alice heart, I am      17 and ready to go to a chainsmokers concert. But there is a twist I am meeting them. AH, I am so ready. I put on make up and changed into black shorts, white crop top, and a flannel. I went down stairs and waited for my mom.
   *skip** they are in the car*
   " so are u ready?" My mom asked me with a smile
  " omg yes I am, u are so amazing for let me meeting them!* I said
   " I know I am" we both laughed.
  Seven minutes later we got the the arena. I was so amazing in there. We got our tickets and headed to the meet and greet place. We waited in line like for 10 mins. My mom told me she was going to wait outside for me. I looked up at drew  and our eyes connected. His eyes were light blue . He smiled and walked up to me and hugged me.
  " hi how are u!" Drew asked me
  " I am so happy right now!" I responded
   They had to take Alex somewhere to get dressed, it was only me a drew.
Drew looked down at the floor then the smile he had turned into a frown. I lifted my hand and put his head up.
" what's wrong?" I asked
He looked at me with his light blue eyes and said
  " it's just your so beautiful and this is our first concert. He said
  I could feel my cheeks heating up. DID DREW JUST CALL ME BEAUTIFUL!!
  I looked and him and said
" don't worry u will do amazing. And Alex to. Just know there are more than 1,000 fans waiting for u guys out there." I said and smiled
"Thxs" he said
  I saw him get a Paper and pen out and wrote his number.
    "Don't give this to anyone please." He said as me handed me the paper.
" I won't, promise" I said 
  I was starting to walk out and I can see him checking me out. I am fine he's only 17. Perfect age. The concert started I was in front row.
        With every song I sang he smiled. Then break up every night had it come on. I can feel my eyes water, I saw that drew looked at me. I walked out of the seats and outside of the arena. Then the music stopped, I heard drew saying
" wait wait wait!" Drew said
   " Alice I am coming!"
He jumped off of stage and ran. He found me there with my head down on my knees.
  " what's wrong?" He asked
  " what sorry it's nothing" I said holding back tears.
  " no tell me what's wrong?" He got mad
  "Okay then its because my old boyfriend broke up with me with break up every night" I frowned still holding the tears back.
      " oh then let's make it up" he said as he gave me the mic.
  " I heard u sing ur amazing" he said
    I started to sing I could hear everyone in the crowd staring to sing to. I finished the song. The last Song came one. Blood steam. I started to sing then drew gave me his hand . I can see him whispering get up here. I jumped in stage and started I sing with him. Some girls where happy and other mad. Then this happend " Alice heart would u have the honer o go on a date with me?" He said with a smile
I looked at the crowd and said yes.  He picked me up and hugged me.

Hey guys first chapter. There is something drew is hide information what is it we will find out in the next chapter

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