First conert?!

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Alice'a POV
I woke up to a beautiful voice singing one of my favorite songs. I decided to join:
WE both know I gone to far when I wreck your car. And almost fought your father when he pushed me in the yard and all those nights we snuck out to meet up and your yard.
" your awake."He said putting on a shirt.
" yeah I guess I am!" I say punching his arm lightly. He laughed. I yawn get up and go get clothes and walk into the bathroom. I turn on the radio and sing. This was the best I could I am trying to get my vocals ready for tonight. I get out and put clothes on.
" so what great adventure are we having today?!" I asked getting an 🍎
" were gonna go shopping." He said putting on his shoes.
"Sounds like fun!" I walked towards him and kiss him on the cheek. I could get enough of your eyes.
" what cha looking at?!" He asked laughing
" your eyes." I said
" what's wrong with them?!" He said biting his lip trying not to laugh.
"It's just a human being can not have eyes this perfect?!" I said
" I am gifted I guess?!!" We both laughed and went to Alex's room. Haley got out and went downstairs. Drew and I followed.
" shoot I will be back I forgot something. I said going up the stairs.
Drew's POV
" so it just you and me know" I heard Haley say.
" don't try to do anything stupid." I said back
" well it's to late" I felt her lips on mine I didn't kiss back. Every time I tried pulling back she kissed harder. I heard Alice's voice.
" I forgot my launchpad?" I heard her say.
" Alice it isn't what you think." I said. She ran but I already knew where she was going.
" ARE YOU SERIOUS!" I said yelling and Haley.
" I am sorry I want you." She said back crying
" no I broke up with you cause you cheated." I said running to the because where Alice was going.
In the distance I heard a shot playing. It was the one on a launchpad. I walked up to Alice.
" Alice I am sorry I didn't kiss her she kissed. She is leaving today at night. I love you and only you. Remember what I told you if I hurt your I hurt Myself." I said. She looked back at me I saw a tear running down her cheek. She got up and hugged me.
" it's okay." She said I kissed her and we both walked away. Hold up she ran back and got her launch pad.

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