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alices" POV

I woke up on the couch with drew there with me. I got up and rubbed my eyes from the headache. i went up to my bathroom brushed my teeth fixed my hair, then came down. I saw Drew barley wake up. i ran down the stairs and hopped on the couch.

"morning, Aye remember we have to so to the studio at 3:00 okay?" i said as he rubbed his eyes

"morning and okay i'll be ready by then." i said back. i got up and went to the door and left. i checked the time and it was 12:00 already. i walked to the kitchen put some cereal in a bowl then went back to the couch. I was on my phone for most of the time, i checked up on twitter. I pressed the photo of me and drew sitting on the sand at the beach looking at the sunset.

mostly of the comments said i ship. or even they are so cute together they will be a amazing power couple. I got up put the bowl in the sink the went upstairs. By the time in finished it was 1:00. i jumped in the shower turned on the water and felt that nice warm water hitting me. i got out and did my hair. I put of my hair in a bun with a flower crown, got out and changed. after i finished i walked outside and waited there. While i was swinging i saw a black corvette pull up on my drive way. The person rolled the window up and started shooting a gun. As fast as i could i got behind a brick wall and waited that i didnt get shot. I sat down on the floor and started to cry i put my head on my lap. 3 minutes later the car drove away lucky i got a part of her face. She had green eyes. dirty blonde hair, and plain white tee with black pants. i was sitting there until i heard Drew running up to my house. He saw me there crying and putting my head in my lap.

" OMg, alice are u okay?" he said as he went to hug me.

" yeah i am fine i didnt get shot." i said while my hand was shaky.

i cried into his shoulder, when i was with him i felt safe. WAIT, i am not falling for drew taggart. I cant be, Hes just another heart braker. i pulled away looked into his eyes and smiled.

" now shall we go." i said sniffing

" yep tell me if u saw any part of the persons face." he said worried

'okay." i said back. The rest of the car ride was really fun. We sang played truth or dare. We got there about like 10 minutes. We got out of the car and walked into the building.

" alex!!!!" Drew said almost yelling

"DREW!!" he said back. They ran to each other then hugged. I was laughing so hard they both looked at me and laughed to. i walked up to drew them smile at alex.

" alex this is alice.'' he said

" hi alex!" i said shaking his hand

" so are u two dating?" he asked me and drew

"no" i said

" we are just really close friends" i said putting my arm around drew. And great our eyes met again. I just blinked then looked at alex. he stared grinning at me which made me checks really hot.

" okay so, alex i brought her here today cause she knows how to dj and sing." he said explaning to Alex

" okay you wanted to see if she can help us write a new song right?" alex said.

we walked into this big room with different types of equpment. " okay alice show me what you got." i heard alex say to me

" okay alice you got this just play inside out." he said whispering into my ear. i nodded back and walked over to the dj setup. sat down then started to find the inside out melody. When i finally got it i started to sing



" wait." alex said stopping me. i got scared at thet moment.

" this is amazing i already know your gonna rock the whole song!" alex said i smiled at the comment and played roses


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